Oh, the heaviness..and the happiness.

Graveyard and desperately crying Bench
Graveyard and desperately crying Bench

We received sad news yesterday.

If you click on 'Mehr lesen' you'll find out what our reaction to it was and is.

So click bellow to see the story of 'Let's go to Strausberg and say goodbye!'

Where to begin?


First things first:

The news yesterday caught us by surprise and hit us like a kick in the stomach, as I am sure it has most of you. But of course we'll continue the site and our little translation service, it's only that our little shenanigans will now take place with a heavier heart. And that all of this will have some sort of expiration date. Like a yoghurt. Or a chocofresh.*Sigh*


It wasn't even a question, by the way, if we'd continue, nothing to discuss there. In fact, I had planned on writing this blog today with happier news, for example, that @lucyscherer now has twitter and a facebook site and a blog! And that we're planning on translating everything, and whatever Kasia comes up with as well! (Flower names are a pain to translate, by the way..;-) ) Once in the comments on their site and on this site as well. We'll get to that shortly..actually as soon as I'm all caught up with recent events and setbacks.


Anyways, since it has been pride weekend and the opening game of the women's soccer world cup in Berlin this weekend, we had friends over, and lots of fun! Remember that flashmob we had planned? It's still ON, but will shine under a different star now.


Juno is working out some other prerogative and we're still happy about each and every one of your contributions! The 15 seconds limit has been thrown out of the window,by the way, since no one managed to show their Jemma craziness in such a short amount of time.

The postcards thing however, IS off, since there simply is no one at the set anymore, and no more Emma Müller to send the Coming out cards to...*sob*.




We will however take the set adress down and edit the site in favor of Lucy's and Kasia's official snail mail addresses so you guys will be able to send them a apostcard or a letter directly. Oh, and speaking of... - We delivered the last of our Coming out postcards yesterday in person.

As luck would have it, some of us had miraculously, simultaneously off from work and were in town, so we set out to Strausberg!

Strausberg Loves its international fans!
Strausberg Loves its international fans!

Wow, when some of the actors were saying that it was waaay out there, they weren't kidding!


So we kind of hung out at the drive way that led up to the Strausbergian unemployment center, trying to sneak a peek at the filming and to...I don't know what we did there actually. All I know is, that it was a super sad day, and that we canceled all of our original plans to head out to a film set in the middle of nowhere to kind of find a place to take our sadness to. And your sadness as well. And to say our goodbyes.


So, now this is tricky business. Again, I must say thanks to a few fans who were just there and helped us out with pictures and friendliness (thanks Alice!), that came out of nowhere, when they heard that we were trying to let you guys out there take part, but there were also others...and do not hate on me..but I am glad when I will not have to stand in between a bunch of "Cheery Ho! I so love seeing my stars!" fans anymore. I don't know,it's just awkward.


There are nice people, there are pushy people, and the lines are not that firmly drawn. Not for me either.


In short:

I feel like a creep sometimes.



That said, Franciska and Frederic came up to the fence we were standing behind, and told us, that the actors would be coming out  later. They were super sweet and friendly and the big time Jemma supporters that they have always proven to be! Even at the worst of times.



Now..the creepiness...it is a twofold business this is..

You know, I know how shattered you guys were, and we were as well, and the actors were as well, of course. Maybe even most of all.

And then they drive out to the fans, get out of their cars to talk to them, and there is yours truly, asking them to say something into a camera.



I relayed the Hi!s from everywhere you asked me to over twitter that day, "Hi! from uhm, Ireland and Spain, and uh,Switzerland and Sweden and uh.." (My peeps helped me out,there were nine countries.) And asked both of the girls to say a video message, and they were a bit reluctant and didn't know what to say at first.


So, when you watch these vids please keep in mind, that this is a tricky business.



My intention was to take you guys along and to kind of give you something you could latch your grief onto if it makes any sense at all...but I am afraid of not really being any different from those who strive for exploitation, and am truly sorry for having put the girls on the spot so.

There is the constant conflict of taking the vids down,or leaving them up, but the interwebs have this nasty habit of just virulating things. So I don't know how much of an option that even is.


So, please be critical..be critical at all times.


Also don't forget to send Sat1 an email and let us know what they answered!


We'll try to get all the different protest movements summed up as well!


But for now, send an email to zuschauerservice@sat1.de or tweet them @sat1 or visit their fb page (sat1tv). They say in their standardized German letter, that they deal with numbers...well, let them deal with numbers then;-)


Pat's Ipad, which no one managed to drop
Pat's Ipad, which no one managed to drop


And guys, to end things on a brighter note:

Two more months on TV. Good Jemma moments awaiting us. Hang onto that thought:-)


I'll have the "Traumatized Breakfast", please.
I'll have the "Traumatized Breakfast", please.

P.S.: Still devastated...I almost cried over the menu at the Italian place today..Spaghetti with homemade pesto (and I so hated translating Miriam!) and ...Tiramisu.






Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 29
  • #1

    LAIN Xatedigo (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 21:17)

    Thanx you so much Amidola because you have been our eyes for the international Team :=)

  • #2

    amidola (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 21:19)

    I know how it's super lame to comment on your own blog post, but Kasia is super,super sad today, so we decided to kind of flashmob her, with our own little video messages on her facebook to cheer her up.
    So, how do YOU cope with the news? Chocofresh? Basil? Oregano?Ballet?
    All of the above?Uncomfortable with showing your face in public?
    Film your feet;-)
    Big,big hugs you guys!
    I know I shouldn't be that torn up about a TV show, but I am, and I can't even say why.

  • #3

    adsullata (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 21:39)

    Thanks for absolutely EVERYTHING. You guys are heroes.

  • #4

    Lied (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 21:44)

    "I know I shouldn't be that torn up about a TV show, but I am, and I can't even say why."

    Well, it's like this:
    You can say a lot with a lot of words, but the occassion at which you can't say nothing at all tells the most. We're with you :)

    Hm, got poetic on you there.

    Lame to comment on your own website to the websites owner's comment of your website's blog?

    I love all you did! [you fellow Team Jemma + you out there with which I spend many (too many, but then again not nearly many enough) hours laughing and capping.]

  • #5

    fofolle (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 22:04)

    snifffff i'm super sad today... i already did elsewhere but thank you so much the jemma team for this amazing job you made!!!!!!!!

    i also went to the pride (paris) and i had big plans for the "coming-out postcard" (i bought little eiffel turm)... nevertheless, i'll send it directly the kasia and lucy

    but right now, i want to talk positive... is the chat still on on friday? we had so much fun (hello girls! remember all the french words?) ^_^

    big kisses to all of you from meine kleini schweiz

  • #6

    Carol Berry (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 22:44)

    Thank you for your journey to the set! I don't think it was exploitation to post the videos when we all felt as close to tears as Kasia was. Our worldwide community wept yesterday, today we regroup!

  • #7

    Andi (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 23:33)

    Ami! I wanna cheer Kasia up!!!! :((

  • #8

    platy (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 00:24)

    The shock is because it all ends abruptly, but let's face it: we'll have a happy ending. It's bittersweet but we all remember a book by its ending, not the 1876 pages before.
    Thanks for all your hard work.

  • #9

    Flora (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 02:14)

    Liebe Freundinnen,

    Oh, ugh. I wish Lucy could just get out her Glinda wand and make everything better. It's so hard to remain optimistic when your fave shows get cancelled. And the swiftness of the announcement, the halting of filming, the online ratings not counting... everything is so... confusifying...! Guh!

    Here's a question, though - in the message from Sat1, they said something about trying to get things right with the "format". And I've said out loud many times as I watch the show, "This is a soap?" I wonder if they are thinking along those lines, and if there's a possibility that they'd come up with a show in a regular weekly hour-long format that's more like "Glee".

    Please forgive the attempts to over-perkify amidst despair. I just can't help it. :-/

    Big virtual hugs of solace!

  • #10

    Liz from USA (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 02:21)

    I stumbled accidentally onto this show surfing through shows on YOUTUBE to watch in German, in order to start learning the language. However, I became hooked right from the beginning. In addition, I have made an international friend in Germany who on occasion has helped with translating some of the episodes for me, before your website was up and running. I feel as if I am losing a friend, more so than a wonderful show to watch. My German friend and I on occasion have had long chats/discussions about the different episodes via email. No it is true, we have never met but she has been awesome translating many episodes into English for me. We started chatting about the show since the beginning of March and now we are into June/july. This show has obviously brought lots of people around the World together. It has been a wonderful experience and nice to get to know my German friend over the last few months. Anyway, I feel like I am losing a friend now...someone who I could chat about the show with. We even have been able to step away from the regular chatter to get to know one another a little over this time. It feels weird that the show is ending in September. I feel pressure to make sure UNLIKE the show that this new friendship does not end as well. Sad...but what can you do. I cannot explain how badly this feels...it is like you are given a gift and allowed to enjoy it for about four months...and you have grown to really love your gift to find out that it is being taken away from you very soon because it is no longer possible to enjoy. It is really terrible. So sad. :o(

  • #11

    Yvette (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 02:42)

    Wow, Kasia made me crack. There were tears...

  • #12

    kate in pdx (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 05:09)

    dear amidola
    I think being in the public arena, especially today in our 'just add a second and have virtually all information you'd every need about a person and them some,' our world of feverish information gathering/sharing/hoarding/rejecting, our world of reality t.v. and 'actuality t.v.' and confessionals and simple narratives like HAH trying to tell a yarn, well, it's ALL got to be challenging to be inside that. i wonder if it wouldn't just be tremendously hard to face it everyday. but, the generous hearts, i hope, find a way, a balance between being SO out there and in protecting themselves.

    today, someone who appreciates a show or a performer has the tremendously unique opportunity to interact with them, no matter what part of the world they may be. and given this world of ours, i also think we have a responsibility to let people know when they genuinely touch OUR hearts, for there are many, many, still, who - especially for the Jemma characters in the world - are all too happy to bombard them with hate and tell them they are failing society and failing as a person by their very portrayal of young lesbians claiming their love.

    for you, local, SO appreciative and so UTTERLY instrumental in making the crazy happen :), i think you do your best and you go forward with your open heart -- or your broken heart, as it were. it was hard to watch the video. i say kasia's only. that was all i could manage. but i'm glad they're out there in this crazy world, because for performers of fiction, this is all a part of a very real moment in their lives that won't happen again. i'm quite sure no matter how difficult this is for the fans, its a thousand times harder for those who created these characters and who have lived them for a year. in the end, kasia and lucy are professionals who understand - as best as anyone can -the world in which they work. there will always be those who set out to exploit people in the public eye, there will always be those willing to purposefully cross the line. i don't think kasia or lucy or anyone whose had the pleasure of witnessing YOUR work and dedication to this show would think that was your intention, or expect you to go in reverse.

    truth is, this silly show became, in practically a second, a Cause, a Movement, an Action. one i think we're all the better for having shared. a happy ending, especially, will have great repercussions and many young people--and old--will come out, or face a fear, or have their mind changed. thank you.

  • #13

    Marie-Helene (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 15:57)

    Hello, do you see ? They put commercials at the beginning of their clips now. Maybe, they begin to understand the potential of their internet fans. Frankly, I have hope that the show will be saved if we continue to put pressure on them. And what about some very visible banners at the FIFA World Cup? We have to be creative and strategic. Take care. A bientot.

  • #14

    Tintin (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 17:56)

    After seeing Kasia say goodbye, I wanna hug her so tight. I'll definitely miss this show. Thank you.

  • #15

    jemmatranslations (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 18:18)

    @ Marie-Helene: What a cool idea! Everybody at the SAT 1 Forum is very excited about this idea and will post it on FB. We will see what happens!

  • #16

    Marie-Helene (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 18:29)

    Great! I am with you with all my heart.

  • #17

    Bern (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 20:48)

    Oh, ami, you are really a hero. Thank you so much for being our eyes and ears throughout this whole experience. You're like a Messiah, you know that? ;)))

    Very depressing news. I have no other words.

    @fofolle YES! Chat is very much on. I mean, that was the original plan. But, didn't you say you couldn't make it because you'll have a friend over? Nevertheless, fudofresh! ;)

    Kisses from California,

  • #18

    fofolle (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 22:22)

    @ bern, yes she's still coming but her train arrives later than i thought. so i'll be there at 7pm (german time) :)

  • #19

    Chocofresh (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 23:01)

    @Marie-Helene: That is a genius idea!
    Guys, I know we are all sad but come on and unite; let's all try to save HaHe. Chances may be slim but at least we shouldn't go down without putting up the fiercest fight we can. Every mail, FB-message, video etc etc counts!!!

  • #20

    devilmaycry (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 23:40)

    Sadness is still in the air, though your "traumatized breakfast" and "tiramisu" managed to make me smile. I'm eagerly awaiting the list of all the Save HaHe actions so I can do something with the energie of despair. Already twitted @sat1 and planning to send a heart-shaped letter as instructed there http://youtu.be/etOpG-eybaU

  • #21

    Eyelesstrees (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 23:43)

    @Marie-Helene, that is a brilliant idea!!

    The BBC are showing the world cup here in the UK so I'll be watching out for your banners!! Good luck!!

  • #22

    ecosse (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 00:44)

    *sitting in a full-size giraffe outfit, holding a placard that says "What do we want? Chocofresh When do we want it? Now" with the chocofresh scored out to read "more Jemma...please" and the "now" scored out to read "FOREVER". Sniffling*

    TV Network executives are fuds. Fact. :(

  • #23

    Andi (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 09:20)

    Fannybaws, all of them!

    I can't wait for Friday to discuss what should we do!

  • #24

    Karina (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 19:57)

    I already send an email it might not change the results but i'll try to make a difference.
    Kiss from Portugal

  • #25

    ecosse (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 23:53)

    @fudofresh chatters - I probably won't make it tomorrow until really late. I'll cross my, what do giraffe's have? Hoofs? I'll cross my hoofs that you'll still be around. If you're not and I miss it, have fun and tell me when the next one is!!!!

    This week's Scottish word was going to be "shengis!". I'll let you work out what it means!

  • #26

    karina (Freitag, 01 Juli 2011 15:54)

    Hello! they answear my email saying that the politics they use to the channel requires much more audience than what they had with the show. They are loosing money. They are very grateful for the feedback, but unfortunately no matter what happen the show is ending in September.

  • #27

    Marie-Helene (Freitag, 01 Juli 2011 17:35)

    It's normal that they would answer that, they just want to discourage the massive wave of letters and actions from the fans around the world. But we will keep fighting until they reconsider their decision.

  • #28

    Wuschdibusch (Dienstag, 05 Juli 2011 06:10)

    The first massive oregano-wave has hit Sat.1 ;-) Let's continue until they are swept away by all the HaHe-fans ;-)

  • #29

    Jo (Mittwoch, 06 Juli 2011 03:39)

    I've been looking for banners at the games. Has anyone seen any?

    Also, I just wanted to say thanks for all you do on this site. I'm working summer camps so this site has kept me up to date. Otherwise I don't think I would have a clue what's going on.

    Keep it up. We all appreciate it.