
Jemma looking for sixx on their TV
Jemma looking for sixx on their TV

Hi there, fans and friends, a gloomy peace this week with it brings.


As you might have noticed, Jemmanation has been astir with news, and if you have been confused, because you don't speak German, fear not, language has not been the problem, we have been confused, as well.


So, the craziness of this week started out with the very surprising announcement,that beginning this Monday, tomorrow,actually, Hand aufs Herz will no longer be shown on @SAT1 but @sixxtv.


If you're German, and don't know what to do, here's a brief guestblog and German interlude for y'all by zinsii, for more infos on what's been going down, read on:

Brief German Guest Blog Interlude

Wie empfange ich Sixx?

Kann ich sixx empfangen – wenn ja wie?


Nach der herben Verkündung von Sat.1: „Hand aufs Herz endet schon nach der ersten Staffel“ und dem zusätzlichen Schock, dass die letzten 18 Folgen gar nicht mehr gedreht und ausgestrahlt werden, folgt nun der nächste Schlag ins Gesicht. Sat.1 schiebt Hand aufs Herz ab. Anscheinend unterliegt diese Serie nicht den Anforderungen der Sat.1 Chefetage und ist laut derer auch für die schlechten Quoten der anderen Serien und Formate des Senders verantwortlich.

Deswegen greift Sat.1 zu der für sie einzig sinnvollen Maßnahme *Ironie* und wird ab Montag, den 8.8.2011 Hand aufs Herz an den Schwestersender sixx abgeben – gewohnte Sendezeit 18:00 Uhr. Zum Leid vieler Fans… Denn sixx ist zwar deutschlandweit kostenlos empfangbar – womit Sat.1 ja auch schön wirbt – nur leider bedarf es dazu ein paar technischer Voraussetzungen.


Wer sixx noch nicht in seiner Senderliste hat oder nicht weiß ob er/sie es überhaupt empfangen kann, sollte zunächst mal überprüfen über welche Art und Weise Fernsehen empfangen wird.

Hierfür gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten:

  1. Empfang über Satellitenschüssel

1a) Analog: Hier ist sixx leider nur zwischen 21 und 6 Uhr möglich – auf der Frequenz von KiKa


1b) Digital: Hier muss man lediglich den Sendersuchlauf neu starten lassen, dann wird sixx automatisch gesucht/gefunden und in der Senderliste gespeichert

  1. Empfang über Kabelanschluss

2a) Analog: Bei analogem Kabelanschluss (Anschlusskabel führt direkt und ohne Umwege vom Fernseher in die Buchse) ist sixx derzeit leider nur in Bremen und Bremerhaven (über Kabel Deutschland auf Kanal S18) sowie in Magdeburg, Potsdam, Erfurt und Berlin (über den Anbieter Tele Columbus) empfangbar. In den aufgezählten Städten ist der Sendeplatz dann der von 9Live.


2b) Digital: In den neuen Fernsehmodellen ist das digitale Fernsehen schon von vornherein eingebaut – man benötigt also hierfür keinen Receiver mehr (*Hab ich ein neues Modell? Ein Blick in die Gebrauchsanleitung könnte Abhilfe schaffen*). Bei den alten Modellen wird der Digitalreceiver noch benötigt. Ist dies der Fall, dann hier auch einfach wieder den Sendersuchlauf starten und sixx müsste automatisch in die Senderliste eingefügt werden.

  1. sixx über DSL – Fernsehen

Hat man eine Tv-Karte in seinem PC ist es auch möglich sixx über den DSL-Anschluss zu empfangen. Diese Art der digitalen Übertragung heißt IPTV ("Internet Protocol Television"). Neben einem DSL-Anschluss benötigt man eine Set-Top-Box, die man vom IPTV-Anbieter erhält. (Mögliche Anbieter: Telekom Entertain, swisscom TV, Alice/Hansenet und Vodafone TV)

  1. Leider ist der Empfang mit DVB-T-Antennen oder - Receivern sowie mit den meisten analogen Kabel-Anschlüssen nicht möglich.


Den Sendersuchlauf kann man starten indem man den dazugehörigen Knopf auf der Fernbedienung drückt, manchmal muss man auch direkt am Receiver rumdrücken! Gibt es diesen Knopf nicht, so wie es komischerweise bei mir der Fall war, hilft auch das aus- und wieder einstöpseln des Receivers – der Sendersuchlauf müsste dann automatisch neustarten.


Nähere Infos hier auch nochmal unter http://www.sixx.de/empfang/

Wer nicht weiß, wie er Fernsehen empfängt kann zum Beispiel hier nochmal nachlesen: http://www.sixx.de/empfang/hilfe-ich-weiss-nicht-wie-ich-fernsehen-empfange/



Thanks to zinsii for stepping in and up and doing this for us and you on instant notice!!!!

Most of the German fans have been furious, because it means, that they will have to resort to the internet,or can't watch the show at all,btw.

Articles regarding the move to sixx  *click the pic*
Articles regarding the move to sixx *click the pic*

Now, whut?


Exactly.Sixx is a tiny sisterchannel of the big SAT1/Pro7 group, that can be received only by digital cable in some parts, in three select cities by digital receiver over antenna, and furthermore over satellite, but not analog satellite ,but by..uh, you get the picture? 70% of Germany are supposedly able to receive it.


Here's the official statement on the Hand aufs Herz page.


Seems like sixx is some kind of "feminine" channel, with an average rating of about 1%.

Anyways,the reasons they are giving for this are the weak ratings of the show (which are along the lines of the other two shows "K-11" and "Anna und die Liebe",btw) and for "sixx to take advantage of the faithful fans".

Their words, not mine.


So, uhm, basically, the theory is, that "Hand aufs Herz" is pulling the ratings of "Anna und die Liebe" down.Therefore, they're prematurely installing the "magazine" format which they had turfed to regional channels before, in the "Hand aufs Herz" timeslot.

Got it?

No, well me neither.


It will, continue to be shown online either way, same time, and in the online case, same place. So y'all may relax.

At least for this week.

Okay,it's still online..
Okay,it's still online..

So, obviously we all have been mad busy and this week has been crazy in RL as well,and I would like to apologize for not having kept you guys better informed and more up to date.

But waiting, especially for more clarification, is sometimes not too bad an idea.


Remember how we have been fighting for this show like a bunch of rabid guinea pigs?

Well, that included pestering every single obscure newspaper and online magazine.

Sometimes that kind of pestering does pay off,however, and I would sincerely like to thank our fellow guinea pigs in this case:-)


This article is featured in the local Strausbergian newspaper and has summed up the efforts and the issues about the cancellation.


While this article from  a Swiss online magazine talks about the move, the cancellation,etc.

New to both is,that they have managed to lure a respone from the press department.




In the latter, SAT1 actually states, that the fancampaigns have definitely reached them,and that they are in touch with the fans not only through mail, but also through facebook and twitter. (@sat1 , btw.*coughs*)


Now, the latter article (check it out, nice pics and vids, very well done!) also features a statement, where it is made clear that sixx is too small a channel to keep producing its own format.


But they have been very good and nice to us, and are featuring a "Grand Finale."(not my words, really..)

I guess we should be grateful, that they allowed the filming for that last Monday, or everything would have been left up in the air


So, now, I still don't know what to make of all of this...and I won't even begin to get all excited, get my little fangs out and randomly start biting people like Helena probably does at night.


I'm hoping, that sixx parties will spring up all over the place,that the fans will show "Hand aufs Herz" what a great following it has   and uhaul with them, the best they can, for the last,glorious month.

Stand close, stand together,and pass the popcorn.


We have fought, and we have fought valiantly (Voldemort quote, btw.) but it ain't over til the fat lady sings,so let's go over to facebook and let's say Thanks to the Hand aufs Herz people, send a letter to Petra Bodenbach,the writer who has been so behind this storyline, not abandoning it while kids at schools still use gay as an insult(read her inspring interview here), and mail the Producer's at work who believed in music and their show,and fought for it like lions.

Posttraumatic Croissant
Posttraumatic Croissant


In the course of the next week, we'll be restructuring the "Save Hahe" sites to feature the results of all of the craziness oft he past month.Vids,pics,emails, open letters, if you have anything to share,mail it to us, and we'll be happy to post it.


And whatever we do or don't do, let's rock through the next few weeks together, it's going to be brilliant!!!

And then, you know..we'll move on to the DVDs;-)

*Hands out croissants*



P.S.: Lied, as you will be happy to hear, will be back in a few days, bearing a really,cool surprise for you! I know what it is, and can't wait!!


P.P.S.:I took the bike for a spin after the new job to you know, check out the new hood...:-D



Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    Anns (Montag, 08 August 2011 05:43)

    Oh my god! Hope Jenny was home. :P Thanks for the info and for everything you have done for us.

  • #2

    Andi (Montag, 08 August 2011 14:47)

    Thank you for helping us understand! :) Though, still there are some black holes, like how can HAH affect negatively the ratings of Anna und die Liebe? And why is it so important if both belong to the same channel? Anyway, thank you! :)

  • #3

    Clijsters3 (Montag, 08 August 2011 15:46)

    Thanks for the info still a bit confused but that's not your fault. Jenny's house! Well the Bergman's but whatever, so many memories... and hopefully plenty more to come.

  • #4

    angie (Dienstag, 09 August 2011 00:33)

    Thank you for keeping us updated about this change & for organizing the cyber news of HaH! And how did you find the Bergmann Villa?! Amazing! ^^

  • #5

    DizzyLizzy (Dienstag, 09 August 2011 00:56)

    Hey, thanks for keeping us updated. So sad that HAH will end soon but grateful that you all are here to keep it alive.

  • #6

    Randy (Montag, 15 August 2011 15:04)

    Thanks for the update, but I'm still confused. Will international fans still be able to see remaining episodes of HaH via jemmainternational.org?

  • #7

    Franky (Donnerstag, 18 August 2011 12:19)

    Danke für das Update, das ist auf jeden Fall sehr informativ.

  • #8

    aidan (Donnerstag, 01 September 2011 06:48)

    i tried logging on sixx tv online but i can see the remaining episodes because i am in the u.s.a. HELP PLZ:(