Poll-Preview - Tür 20

H: Hey, Emma, you'll never believe this!  E: Then better don't tell me at all!
H: Hey, Emma, you'll never believe this! E: Then better don't tell me at all!

Hey, Emma! Sei doch nicht so ein Spielverderber! Hotte hat doch recht. Hör einfach mal zu!

Zwanzigstes Türchen?

Na, wie wäre es dann mit zwanzig Zitaten?

Zwanzig? So viele?


Und das ist nur ein Bruchteil der Zitate, die euch im Januar erwarten wird!

Nach dem tollen Adventskalender im Dezember geht es im Januar schnurstracks weiter mit einer neuen ganz speziellen Umfrage. Ein Lieblingszitat aus ALLEN erwählen? Ja, das scheint nicht nur unmöglich, das ist es auch. Was wir demnach nicht geschafft haben ist, ALLE guten Zitate unterzubringen, so dass wir immer noch genug Material übrig haben um euch einen feinen Vorgeschmack zu bescheren!

C: Hey, shut up!
C: Hey, shut up!





C: I'm having an important chat here!
C: I'm having an important chat here!

Das interessiert jetzt nicht, Caro!


Das ist mein Blog, und da quatsch ich so viel ich will!


(That's not relevant right now, Caro!)
(This is my blog and I'm talking as much as I like in it!)


C: Now, come on. Do something nice for once, will you?
C: Now, come on. Do something nice for once, will you?

Ey, ich glaub es hackt!


Ich glaube, wir nehmen deine Zitate einfach ganz raus und ersetzen sie stattdessen mit welchen von Jenny!


Da haben wir nämlich noch einen ganzen Londoner Bus voll von!


(I can't believe it!)
(I guess we'll take all of your quotes out of the poll and replace them with Jenny's instead!)
(After all we're still having a complete London Bus full of them!)


C: And who exactly is this Jenny?
C: And who exactly is this Jenny?
E: She's one of the oh so cool volleyball-chicks now. H: Aka Little Heart. E: Little Heart? H: That's her stage name in Hong Kong. She was a kid star there. E: The first person that I know who was Big in Japan. J: I was in Hong Kong and that's in China.
E: She's one of the oh so cool volleyball-chicks now. H: Aka Little Heart. E: Little Heart? H: That's her stage name in Hong Kong. She was a kid star there. E: The first person that I know who was Big in Japan. J: I was in Hong Kong and that's in China.


Oh, danke für's einspringen, Leute!


Das erklärt einiges!


Also manchmal, da macht Caro mich echt fertig...


(Oh, thanks for jumping in, guys!)
(That explains a lot!)

(You know, sometimes Caro really wears me down.)

J: I'm gonna get us the ice cream now and when nothing is left of it, you'll feel better.
J: I'm gonna get us the ice cream now and when nothing is left of it, you'll feel better.


Jenny, du bist ein goldener Engel!


(Jenny, you're an angel!)


E: "Hey, I understand you. Apropos, she has fooled Hotte and I again, too. She told him the Poll would be up in December, in full christmas-spirit."
E: "Hey, I understand you. Apropos, she has fooled Hotte and I again, too. She told him the Poll would be up in December, in full christmas-spirit."



E: Dresscode, huh? H: She said Christmas-Spirit! E: Yes, I know, but I can't believe that you let yourself be fooled by that bimbo time and again! C: Come in! Btw, we changed the idea with the costumes. C: Hey, guys? Santa and his Angel are here!
E: Dresscode, huh? H: She said Christmas-Spirit! E: Yes, I know, but I can't believe that you let yourself be fooled by that bimbo time and again! C: Come in! Btw, we changed the idea with the costumes. C: Hey, guys? Santa and his Angel are here!
J: Well, the best thing I once said to Caro was ...
J: Well, the best thing I once said to Caro was ...


Psst, den haben wir sogar drinnen, Jenny!

(Psssht, we did manage to put that one in, Jenny!)

                             E: By the way...
E: By the way...
E: I brought some torches!
E: I brought some torches!


Du Emma, echt süß, aber die braucht man nicht immer.


Bei der Zitatsuche geistert man nämlich wirklich nicht durchs Dunkel.


Da ist man eher überschüttet von Knüllern.


(Hey, Emma, that's really sweet of you, but one doesn't always need torches.)

(When on the hunt for quotes you are never in the dark.)
(It's rather that you are overwhelmed by too many good ones.)


T: But you do know that if there's no note in your fortune cookie, you'll just call me. Then you'll get the wisdom of the day for free!
T: But you do know that if there's no note in your fortune cookie, you'll just call me. Then you'll get the wisdom of the day for free!


Oh, danke Timo!


Vielleicht kannst du ja bei unseren letzten Wackelkandidaten helfen.


(Oh, thanks Timo!)
(Eventually you'll be able to help by deciding upon our last shaky candidates?)


I think I always wanna kiss you. From dawn till dusk!!
I think I always wanna kiss you. From dawn till dusk!!
E: How was I? J: To fall for.
E: How was I? J: To fall for.
E: Hmm, now I'm full with yoghurt! J: Well, then we'll have to take a shower, huh?
E: Hmm, now I'm full with yoghurt! J: Well, then we'll have to take a shower, huh?


Hey!!! *fingerschnips*


Ist okay ihr beiden! Ich meinte vorhin nicht, dass ihr demonstrieren müsst was für tolle Sachen ihr drauf habt.


Ein bisschen was müssen wir uns ja doch noch für den Poll aufsparen!


(Hey! *snaps fingers*)

(It's okay you two! I did not mean just now that you have to show us how great your lines are!)

(We do still have to save some of it up for the Poll!)


K: I've been in love once ...
K: I've been in love once ...


Och Karin, ... wissen wir. Gefängnis und so ...


Wir schimpfen ja auch gar nicht wirklich mit den beiden.


(Oh, Karin ... we know. Prison and so on ...)
(You know we're not really angry with them.)


Oregano isn't just a spice, it's also a medical plant, did you know that? I think it's from the family of labiate, did you KNOW that!?
Oregano isn't just a spice, it's also a medical plant, did you know that? I think it's from the family of labiate, did you KNOW that!?


Ähja, sehr aufschlussreich, Jenny.


Naja, aber um zum Thema zurückzukehren: am Ende sind wir recht glücklich mit unserer entgültigen Auswahl.


(Uh, well, very interesting, Jenny.)
(Anyway to get back on topic: In the end we're pretty happy with our final choices for the Poll.)


E: Jenny? J: Emma? E: Are you happy? J: Of course! E: I mean, do you miss something? J: As long as you are there, no!
E: Jenny? J: Emma? E: Are you happy? J: Of course! E: I mean, do you miss something? J: As long as you are there, no!

Keine Sorge, Jenny!


Emma ist natürlich dabei!


(Don't worry, Jenny!)
(Of course Emma is in the Poll!)

E: "And Ronny? Jenny has picked a fight with him again ... "
E: "And Ronny? Jenny has picked a fight with him again ... "


Wenn ich gerade mal so nachgucke ... Der hat es leider tatsächlich nicht in die Auswahl geschafft.


(Let me look that up ... No, unfortunately, he didn't make the final cut.)


J: I'll be careful and avoid him in the future? Are you happy now? E: I'd like a bodyguard better. J: You're sweet.
J: I'll be careful and avoid him in the future? Are you happy now? E: I'd like a bodyguard better. J: You're sweet.


Ach, seid ihr putzig.


Nagut, aber auch wenn wir heute hier schon richtig schöne Sachen rausgehauen haben,

heißt das ja nur, dass die richtigen Knüller noch auf euch warten!


(Aw, you're so sweet.)

(Well, we already used up a lot of good material here, but that only means that there are real gems still waiting for you!)

J: You amaze me... Not many people do.
J: You amaze me... Not many people do.


Hach, mach mir keine roten Ohren!


Zum Abschluss ist noch zu sagen, dass wir das ganze auch noch über den Februar und März hätten ziehen können um alle möglichen Zitate reinzubekommen, aber da hat Caro uns netterweise mit einem guten Rat zur Seite gestanden.


(Hach, don't turn my ears red!)

(At last we want to say, that we could have filled the whole of February and March with quotes to try and get really every line in,

but Caro kindly adviced us with the following thing ... )


C: You're knew in Cologne, so I'll repeat this really slow, so you can chisel along. Carnival is a state of exceptional circumstances in Cologne. Absolutely everyone is celebrating then! - Except you're dead, of course.
C: You're knew in Cologne, so I'll repeat this really slow, so you can chisel along. Carnival is a state of exceptional circumstances in Cologne. Absolutely everyone is celebrating then! - Except you're dead, of course.


Gut, um eure volle Aufmerksamkeit zu haben, haben wir uns daher also für den Januar entschlossen

und danach könnt ihr freien Geistes Karneval feiern!


Und seid ihr bereit für Januar?


(Okay, so to have your full attention, we restricted the Poll to only January, so that you can celebrate carnival without a worry in the world afterwards.)

(So, are you ready for January?)

J: We'll rock the house and the schoolyard! You don't have to worry.
J: We'll rock the house and the schoolyard! You don't have to worry.


Hach, danke Jenny. Jetzt bin ich beruhigt.


Naja, und weil sie mich sonst aufs Sofa in der Schülerlounge geschmissen und zerkratzt hätte, habe ich Caro das letzte Bildchen hier versprochen.


Wie wird der Poll, Caro?


(Oh, thanks Jenny. Now I'm appeased.)

(Well, since I did not want to be thrown onto the couch in the Students-Lounge by Caro and get beaten up, I promised her to have the last picture.)
(How will the Poll be, Caro?)


C: Better than TV!
C: Better than TV!




Frohe Weihnachten, guten Rutsch und freut euch auf Januar,

wünscht euch euer Poll-Team!


Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and look forward to January!

Your Poll-Team!

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Sassi (Freitag, 20 Dezember 2013 10:16)

    Hihi, richtig gut!
    Danke dafür :) Ich freue mich schon seeeehr auf Januar :)))

  • #2

    marleen (Sonntag, 22 Dezember 2013 23:18)

    toll :)))