
Poll 10 - The Winners

Ihr habt eure Gewinner gewählt!

Ein Klick und Scroll entfernt sind eure Zitat-Lieblinge!


You have elected your favorites!

One click and scroll away are your winners!

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Poll 10 - Quotes Final - Week 4

*musik anschmeiß* / *turns the music up*

Europe - Final Countdown

It's the final Poll!

Dididi-DI, dididiDI-DI!

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Poll 10 - Quotes Semifinal - Week 3

Willkommen zurück!

Bitte nimm Platz, hol dir deinen Fragebogen ab und fang an ein weiteres Mal zu voten!


Welcome back!

Please take a seat, get your survey and start voting once again!

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Poll 10 - Week2 - Combo

Bereit eine weitere Runde Zitate zu studieren? :)


Ready to study more quotes? :)

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Poll 10 - Quotes

Zitate. Sie beschreiben treffend und meistens mit nur einem Satz die Gesamtsituation. Sie sind Weisheiten, Markenzeichen, Analysen, Aussagen, Charakterstudien… und schleichen sich unbemerkt und nahtlos in unseren Wortschatz. Einige davon werden sogar legen- wartet, wartet es kommt gleich-där!


Quotes. Quotes are cutting and most of the time perfectly describe the situation with only one sentence. They are wisdoms, trademarks, analyses, statements, a sketch of character ... and slowly, without us noticing, they sneak their way into our treasury of words. Some of them even become legen - wait for it - dary!

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Poll-Preview - Tür 20

H: Hey, Emma, you'll never believe this!  E: Then better don't tell me at all!
H: Hey, Emma, you'll never believe this! E: Then better don't tell me at all!

Hey, Emma! Sei doch nicht so ein Spielverderber! Hotte hat doch recht. Hör einfach mal zu!

Zwanzigstes Türchen?

Na, wie wäre es dann mit zwanzig Zitaten?

Zwanzig? So viele?


Und das ist nur ein Bruchteil der Zitate, die euch im Januar erwarten wird!

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Visibility Matters


To let the Visibility Matters weeks come to a nice conclusion we are having the promised poll up in which you can vote for your submitted pictures, comics and videos for this project.


Um die 'Sichtbarkeit ist Wichtig' Wochen zu einem runden und schönen Abschluss zu bringen gibt es nun die angekündigte Abstimmung über die von euch eingesendeten Beiträge zum Projekt.

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Poll 8 - The Right Music for the Right Moment

Today let's imagine we're lounging on Jenny's green sofa, wrapped up in a purple blanket, having our laptop in our lap and nursing a warm, steaming cup of tea in our hands while deciding for a song to go along with our 'Romance at Home' or 'Actions at Chulos' date for tonight.

Yes, there are hard decisions heading your way again! Have fun with another poll and the results of the last one :)


So heute wollen wir uns mal vorstellen, wir sitzen gemütlich auf Jenny's grünem Sofa, eingewickelt in eine lila Decke, mit dem Laptop im Schoß und ner schönen Tasse Tee in den Händen und überlegen uns welcher Song toll zu unserem Zuhause Date oder Abzappeln im Chulos Date heute abend passen könnte.

Jep, wieder mal schwere Entscheidungen, die auf Euch zukommen. Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Poll und den Ergebnissen zum Letzten.:)

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Poll 7 - The Place To Be

Where Shall We Go?
Where Shall We Go?

Hello everyone!

So, we're hoping you haven't had enough of those polls yet - cutest couple, SMDM and all. Because here are the results of our last poll and a brand new one which wants you to tick one of its boxes (this wasn't supposed to sound dirty). Also there are two little extras hidden in here.

So take a look!

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Poll 6 - All I want for Christmas - Emma Version

What? A poll about my jackets, shirts and shoes? I'm so excited
What? A poll about my jackets, shirts and shoes? I'm so excited

It's this time again!

For the second of December, and the second door of the Jemma Christmas Calender we have yet another poll for you and the results from the last one!

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Poll 5 - The love is alive with the sound of music

Jewellery? Music? Both of those things are included in this weeks poll!

So let's get right to it.

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Poll 4 - All I want for Christmas - Jenny Version

Hello everyone!

The last time we saw each other it was all about kissing! This time it's about the question, what would you like to see lying under your Christmas Tree? (Beside tickets for Rebecca in Stuttgart!) Yes, there are still 3 months until Christmas, but that's an optimal time space to figure out your wishlist and send it to Santa...or your girlfriend, friends and family - whatever you believe in.

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Poll 3 – What's your favorite kind of Jemma kiss?

Hello my friends,

We decided that every two weeks would be a good space of time to do a new poll. So guess what, it's time for a new poll! This one you will like and we're really curious who will be the winner here, because we really can't tell.

To find out more about the contestants and about last weeks poll click, what?

(Warning: This Blog should be consumated with caution. It might overstimulate your body, mind & brain.)

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Poll 2 - What's the coolest means of transportation on Hahe?

To make you happy on this sad day, we are bringing the Polls back!!!

What's the most interesting thing beside Jemma? Right, what the fans think, of course!

(A collection of all Polls you will find here in the future: Polls)

This week/month (we don't know yet ;) ) you can vote about which way you'd like to get from A to B.

Find out more about the candidates!

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