Episode 3

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Episode 3 Hm, was Jenny already at Episode 3 at the STAG??
Episode 3 Hm, was Jenny already at Episode 3 at the STAG??


German Subs
Text Dokument 22.5 KB
English Subs
Text Dokument 17.0 KB
Italian Subs
Text Dokument 17.4 KB

Other languages

Ep 3 - French
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 218.6 KB
Ep 3 - Italiano
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 202.6 KB

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Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    San (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 05:28)

    But how do you really know for sure that the white t-shirt wasn't Jenny's??? Now, I have yet to see it, but I'm sure that she could've worn it as a dress over a tank top with a pink sparkle belt and her shiny blue leggings.

    Thoroughly enjoy the alternate Alexea back story - wonderfully hilarious and detailed :) What's the official name mashup?

  • #2

    Lily (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 14:00)

    Thank You very much for the translation.
    Eventhough, I am not able to get the DVD but with the episode translation I can at least
    see how Emma was before Jenny come along.

  • #3

    tamu13 (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 15:28)

    comment about Caro's underwear -- LOL
    I think the editor is like Charlie on Charlie's Angel.. we can only hear -- read her, but never know the real person..
    you are truly a brilliant joker! :)

  • #4

    tamu13 (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 21:05)

    ah.. just find out that the editor's name is Lied.. so it is CharLied Angels ;)

  • #5

    Lied (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 22:22)

    @San: I call them Andrea xD

    @tamu: CharLieds Angels? Don't give me this kind of ideas!!! Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore... - Anyway, I'm not always your Charlie voice-over though and the translators are doing the voice-overs, too ;)

  • #6

    Olivia (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 22:36)

    My dear editor I think I love you, first I wish to thank you so very very much for all of the translations that you and your fellow translators have done. I believe that I read these pre jemma episodes more for your wonderful infusion of your thoughts, I don't know if you are a writer but if you ever decide to write a lesbian web series I will be your number 1 fan. I believe you are cosmically funny and hilarious and I know you would bring an amazing show filled with love and comedy.

  • #7

    tamu13 (Freitag, 16 September 2011 00:25)

    ah, one of translators team came!! pleasure to meet you!
    of course I admire your wonderful team work.. not person by person.. a coincidence your name is close to charlie.. don't take it seriously ;)
    best regards to all member of translators team.. never enough to say thank you :)

  • #8

    Betty (Montag, 25 Juli 2016 09:20)

    The srt. for english on episodes 3 and 4 returns the wrong srt