Episode 166 - English

Part 1


[Pestalozzi – Helena's office]


Michael: What are we doing?


Helena: What a husband and wife are doing when they're married.


Michael: We're separated. And we had our chance and I'm with Bea now.


Helena: Just that Bea isn't there when you really need her.


Michael:Actually she is. It's just that everything that has happened lately has been too much, even for her.


Helena: The poor thing. Who of the two of you had surgery and was on the brink of death?


Michael: Stop it. Listen, I thank the dear old friend in you who listened to me, it's just such a pity, that the scheming seductress in you always has to gain the upper hand.


Helena: I love it when the teacher in you shines through..


Michael:You'll never change.


(He exits.)


Helena: Why should I?



[Pestalozzi -Lounge]


(Bea has a flashback of taking care of Ben after his fight with Ronnie.)


Bea: Michael.


Michael: Hey.


Bea: What are you doing here?


Michael: Working.


Bea: But you're on sick leave.


Michael: Well,actually, I wanted to talk to you. I overreacted yesterday, of course it's totally okay for you to take care of your students. I..I thought...


Bea: Michael, listen...


Michael: What? Is it about Bergmann again? Did he get injured at the brawl after all?


Bea: Well, he did..but..it's nothing dramatic..


Michael: What is it then?


Bea: Timo..he's paralyzed..


Michael: What?


Bea: He..fractured a vertebra during the accident..and then he got up without the doctors' permission..and..

and now...



[Pestalozzi – class room]


Ms. Krawczyk: And who can tell me what osmosis is? Yes,please?


Emma: Diffusion through a semi permeable membrane..


Ms. Krawczyk: Correct, but what does that mean exactly?What happens?


(Caro enters/opens the door.)


Ben: The door opens.


Ms. Krawczyk: Yeah, kind of.


Caro: Don't mind me, carry on.


Ms. Krawczyk: How kind of you.


Caro: That's me.


Ms. Krawczyk: May we continue with class, Caro?


Caro: That's what I said, carry on!


Ms. Krawczyk: You may tell me if I'm wrong, but you will hardly find any information in that paper that will be relevant for the upcoming biology exam. And the next time, please be on time, the material in this class is relevant for your final exam,that only for your information. - - Where were we? What happens during osmosis?


Caro: Well, of course school and that whole crap is the most important thing in life for you..but there is a complete other world outside of these walls!


Ben: Well, then leave and don't get on our last nerve!


Ms. Krawczyk: Even if Ben's choice of words isn't exactly mine,he's not altogether wrong. If you don't want to be in class, please leave.


Caro: Really?


Ms. Krawczyk: Yes,really. You're disturbing the others, and they're interested in this crap.

Caro: That is a viable option, I shall consider it.


Ms. Krawczyk: No you won't, you'll leave the classroom right this minute. And later, you will explain to Ms. Schmidt-Heisig why school is superfluous for you. - - Please leave, I'd like to continue.


Caro: Thanks for the free period, Ms.Krawczyk!



[Raumzeit Records]


Miriam: Hello?Heellooo?Well, it's really steppin' down here..”


Frank: Excuse me, I was in the studio..you're from catering,right?


Miriam: Well deduced.


Frank:Yes, we're from the music business are usually underestimated,there are quite a few clichés we have to face up to.


Miriam: Must be hard. Miriam Vogel, and that is my first completely fruitarian menu.


Frank: Pleased to meet you, I'm Frank Peters, I'm the boss around here.


Miriam: Label boss, and receptionist in one person?


Frank: Why? No,my assistant isn't here today,she has had a baby, and my receptionist is sick.


Miriam: Nice! I mean the thing with the baby. But then you'll probably have to do without her for quite a while.


Frank: That's right,yes.


Miriam: Probably not easy to decide between all the girls who'll want to work here.


Frank: You have no idea.


Miriam: No,I don't. But every other young girl probably dreams of a job like this.


Frank:Yes, that's true, but what would I want with a groupie that is totally beside herself every time an artist walks through the door? It doesn't work that way. The artists need to feel comfortable around here.


Miriam: And that's my cue. Where shall I put the fruit menu?


Frank: I'd say..over here on that table.


Miriam: Alright, I'll see how to best drape the fallen fruit around the roasted pig's head..


Miriam: Joke!


Frank: Good one.



[Pestalozzi – Helena's office]


Ronnie: What now? Is is this supposed to be a new form of punishment? Silence until we're going out of our minds?


Helena: I think you managed going out of your mind pretty well without my help.


Ronnie: Because of yesterday? That was completely different! He basically begged me for it!

I am only marginally interested in who started what when. Look at him, please. The way the both of you have been behaving last week, you're not suitable for this school anymore. I have to draw consequences


Ronnie: Are we getting kicked out?


Helena: I won't be making it that easy for you. I don't want us to be known for simply getting rid of our problem cases, after all. That's not the way I work. I simply believe that there are some things that cannot be transmitted in a usual classroom setting. And one can't demand this of the teachers either. There are specialists for this sort of things, after all. They are working in special institutions, and are specialized for cases like the two of you.


Ben: What kind of special institutions?


Helena: I have booked a work holiday for you two. A team-coaching. I hope you like camping.



[Raumzeit Records]


Frank: Only fruit, berries and nuts. Are you sure no plant died for this?


Miriam: Well, you know your stuff pretty well, you aren't a fruitarian yourself by any chance?


Frank: Me? Are you crazy? I'd kill for a good steak!


Miriam:That's comforting, you can't imagine how complicated this is!


Frank: Well, it looks delicious!


Miriam:I hope your singing prince on the pea (allusion to fairytale) sees it the same way.


Frank: Yeah, me too.


Miriam:Who is that anyways?Does one know him?


Frank: Andrew Weg?


Miriam:Andrew who?


Frank: Weg. He's British, but he's moved to Germany cause there's better organic farming here.(and chocofresh!!)


Miriam: You're kidding!


Frank: In his homeland he's already a small star, but he's already got tics like a big one.


Miriam: Well, that much for clichés..


Frank: Yes, but you know, I've been on him to join Raumzeit for months, and it would be a shame if the deal wouldn't work because of a few friggin carrots!


Miriam: Yes, of course..


Andrew!How are you!Welcome to Raumzeit!


Andrew: Raumzeit. Like Star Trek?


Frank: Yeah, I love it. It's great.


Andrew: I hate it. Fucking freak show. - Hey, Khakis, I love them.


Miriam: Hey! Hands off. What are you doing? I'm not done yet.


Andrew: Sorry.


Miriam: I thought you Englishmen were gentlemen and knew what manners are.


Andrew: Do I look like an Englishmen with manners? But you're right one shouldn't do this. But the food on the flight back was really shitty, and I'm really hungry.


(Miriam sighs and hands him a fruit.)


Miriam: So you won't pass out.


Andrew: Thanks. Hmm, delicious.






Part 2


[Bergmann Villa]


Stefan: Hi Ben! Goodness gracious! What happened to you! Have you been to the hospital?


Ben: It's not that bad..


Stefan: It was Ronnie, right? Was this still about this damn accident?


Ben: No..not directly..the guy is just..disturbed. Honestly, I just don't care.


Stefan: Don't care! Look at you!The next time you'll end up at the hospital for real!


Ben: Better than Guantanamo Bay with Ronnie!


Stefan: What are you talking about?


Ben: Ms. Schmidt-Heisig wants to send Ronnie and me to some Team Coaching into the woods for three days. Some sort of boot camp for delinquent juveniles.


Stefan: I told her that I was against it!


Ben: You knew?


Stefan: Yes, your headmistress was trying to get me to finance it..I declined..how does she want to pay for it?


Ben: Is that your only worry?


Stefan: You won't have to go to this camp, don't worry, I'll get rid of this problem..but now I have to go and see Frank..this stuff with Ronnie has to stop.



[Raumzeit Records]


Miriam: But chew thoroughly or you'll get a stomach ache.


Andrew Weg: Hmm, I only get a stomach ache if I eat meat. As I was a child and was living in Liverpool we had fish and chips every day and I really loved it. But don't tell anyone.


Frank: Andrew. I'm glad you like the buffet.


Stefan: Are you cheaping out on staffing once again or why isn't there anyone at the front desk?


Frank: Stefan.


Stefan: Frank, it's been awhile.


Frank: Yeah, not long enough for my taste.


Stefan: Let's leave that. We have to talk.



[Pestalozzi – Helena's office]


Helena: Slowly I'm asking myself what's up with all of you. I don't wonder about the behaviour of a few students anymore, but that you're sitting here now does surprise me.


Caro: Me, too. I think we can save us this conversation.


Mr. Krawczyk: So in your opinion the Abitur (German graduation) is superfluous.


Caro: Not generally speaking, no. But seriously, why do you need that? To go stale by sitting in a university for five more years? No, thank you.


Mr. Krawczyk: No one forces you to study, but you always got good grades so it would be a shame to give up so close before graduation.


Caro: But since I don't want to study, I do not need the 'Abi' either.


(Mr. Krawczyk sighs.)


Caro: It's the truth. I just realized that this doesn't fit me, this classical system. I want to really work. I want to build an career in the real world out there. Preferably right away.


Helena: And what is that supposed to be, this 'real work'.


Caro: I have the offer to work as an assistant for a really important and popular music producer.


Helena: It's always so great to see what positive influence these casting shows have on our children...


Caro: I have thought this through and the music business is exactly my world. I know that.


Mr. Krawczyk: But you're in the STAG. Why don't you just continue your way there?


Caro: I don't plan on wasting away in the school choir of the freaks and geeks. I want to get into the real business.


Helena: Alright, if it's your desire to quit school...I'm the last one to stand in the way of your career in the real true world of the music business. I'll set everything into motion.


Caro: Okay. That was easy.



[Raumzeit Records – Frank's office]


Stefan: I was surprised to hear that you are back in Cologne. Didn't you have success in Berlin?

Frank: Quite the contrary. I achieved in Berlin what I wanted. Yes, please sit down.

Stefan: To be honest. I had some doubts about it.

Frank: Yes, it was not really easy. If there's not even financial support from your own family... then it doesn't even help if your brother-in-law guides a bank. Quite the contrary.

Stefan: You really do not want to talk about this now, do you?

Frank: It's not my intention. It would be the best you tell me want you want. I have to do more important things than this.

Stefan: It's about your little brother.

Frank: Ronnie? He's in the same year as Ben, right? Crazy, isn't it?

Stefan: It's crazy that they nearly fought to death.

Frank: Well, and you are here now, to tell that's only Ronnie's fault and he should leave Ben alone?

Stefan: Well, you still get it as fast as before.

Frank: You won't believe it but I met Ben. Well he's a really sympathetic guy. He's more like his mother I would say.

Stefan: I think you already know that the head master of the school wants to send both to a three-day team-coaching-camp.

Frank: Team-coaching?

Stefan: Come on, you financed this, haven't you? I didn't.

Frank: I financed nothing.


(Ronnie enters)


Frank: Ronnie! What's the story about that camp?

Stefan: Hello Ronnie.

Frank: Do you still know Stefan? Your brother-in-law.

Ronnie: Well, of course. Hello.


Stefan: The last time we saw each other you were a tiny little boy.


Ronnie: Any you were the same asshole you are today.


Frank: Ronnie, please.


Stefan: That's okay. I didn't expect anything else.


Frank: Okay, can you please tell me what's the deal with this camp?


Ronnie: What about it? Stupid Schmidt-Heisig thinks that only torture will help with me and Ben anymore. But that's fine. Probably will be quite cool there. Also we don't have to go to Lozzi then.


Stefan: You nearly beat Ben to death.


Ronnie: Our prig brother-in-law talks shit. We had a bit of fun, that's all. Also Ben wanted it that way. Apparently he's into being beaten. I mean it, he pretty much begged me to do it.


Stefan: And you're apparently into getting a complaint by the police.


Ronnie: I don't care. Ben started it, so he's in it to.


Frank: Alright, I don't think we'll get anywhere like this.


Stefan: Right. I tell you what we do now. You help me that those two don't have to go to that camp and you're little brother here leaves Ben alone from now on.


Frank: I have a much better idea. The boys go to that camp and settle this on their own. I think it's coming in handy that the school finances that educational measure.





Bea: Hey, you're still here.


Michael: Yes, I have to work a bit more.


Bea: Michael, you've just been through a difficult operation.


Michael: Bea, this is just a bit of paperwork I'm doing...while sitting. That's completely harmless.


Bea: I want us to make up again.


Michael: You know what? I want that, too. And I want that nothign and no one will be able to destroy that. No doubts, no jealousy, nothing.


Bea: I'm in.



[Raumzeit Records]


Caro: Where is he?

Miriam: Oh, hm, you, too. Hello, and yes everything went fine. You're welcome.


Caro: What?


Miriam: Yesterday you told me I was supposed to save your life.


Caro: Oh, that. Yeah, thank you. Um, I'm looking for Frank.


Miriam: He's in his office.


Caro: Is that him?

Miriam: Who? Frank Peters?


Caro: Nonsense, the popular singer.


Miriam: Oh. Yeah, yeah. Better leave him alone when he's eating.


Caro: Hi. I'm Caro.


Andrew: Hi, and I'm eating.


Caro: Of course. It's a great buffet, right? I organized all of this. I'm working for Frank.


Andrew: And where have you been then until now?


Caro: Handling important stuff for Frank, of course. He's still in a meeting right now, but he'll be with you in a minute.


Andrew: Yes, I know.


Caro: Yeah, okay, well...I like your music very much.


Andrew: You're not the only one.


Caro: You really have a great voice.


Andrew: Blondie, I'm eating. Why don't you run along and do something very important for Frank?


Miriam: Well, guys, I'm picking the rest of this things up this afternoon, okay?


Caro: Yeah, okay


Andrew: I love it.


Miriam: Bye.


Andrew: Bye Mary.






Part 3


[Pestalozzi – Helena's office]


Stefan:Helena, what is up with this team coaching? You know exactly that I'm against it.


Helena: As head master of this school I'm responsible to help the students if they are in need of it. And like it is now it can't go on with Ben and Ronald. This personal coaching is our only chance and it's within the meaning of all of our students.


Stefan:I see and who is financing this now?


Helena:I do.


Stefan:Oh, wow. You're students are apparently very important to you. Or might this be more than just an educational measure?


Helena:You will be astonished what effect this team-coaching will have, especially for Ben.


Stefan: Somehow I get the feeling that this isn't at all about Ronnie and Ben. Helena, what is your real intent?



[Raumzeit Records]


Andrew: "If the stadiums are full, I'm a happy man.


Frank: Very good. Yeah, well then we agree, don't we?


Andrew: This kiwi sorbet was marvelous.


Caro: This went fantastic, right?


Frank: Yes, this went really fantastic.


Caro: I told you I'm perfect for this job. It isn't that easy to organize the optimal catering for someone like this. Generally Andrew and I got along really well. Musicians are exactly my world, I understand them and know exactly how they work. You really are in need for somebody.


Frank: Yes, that's right.


Caro: See. And I have time. I can work for you from now on and I don't have to go to school anymore either.


Miriam: Hello! I just meant to pick up the rest of our things. Hi.


Caro: Yeah, thanks again. Everything went really perfectly.


Miriam: Oh, no. Leave it, I only did my job.


Frank: But you did it really well. I think Andrew didn't just fall in love with the catering. No, but seriously he was amazed with you. He said you're the most laid back person he met in the business in a long while.


Miriam: Well, this could be because I'm not out of this business.


Frank: Yes, but maybe you will be soon. I'd like to make you an offer.


Miriam: Yes, sure, gladly. If you want us to do a catering again for you, just give me a call.


Frank: I'd like you to be my assistant.


Miriam: Me?


Caro: She?


Frank: You can start today, what do you say?





Ms. Jäger: Ah, Mrs. Schmidt-Heisig, the confirmation about the camp just arrived.


Helena: Very good.


Ms. Jäger: You only have to fill out which pupils will attend and which two supervising teachers will come along.


Helena: Can you do that, please.


Ms. Jäger: Okay.


Helena: The students that definitely will go are Ben Bergman, Ronald Peters and Sophie Klein.


Ms. Jäger: Aw, that poor thing. She went through a lot recently.


Helena: That's why we're trying to help. It's possible that further students will be added.


Ms. Jäger: Okay. And which teachers shall I put in for the supervising?


Helena: Ms. Krawczyk, she loves being close to her students. Also she has experience with deep dark personal problems.


Ms. Jäger: What will they be doing out there in the wild?


Helena: They'll learn to solve their conflicts in a positive way.


Ms. Jäger: Well, that sounds pretty abstract to my ears.


Helena: But it's not. They'll be confronted with nature what will force them to work together as a team. And that in turn will lead them to conquer challenges in live with a positive outlook.


Ms. Jäger: Maybe that will really help the lovely Ben. Recently he doesn't seem to feel good.


Helena: I'm sure Ben Bergmann will draw a benefit from that. After all Ms. Vogel will accompany them.


Ms. Jäger: Ms. Vogel?


Helena: Of course, after all she has a really great influence on Ben Bergmann.