Episode 218

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Episode 218
Episode 218







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Kommentare: 16
  • #1

    Clijsters3 (Freitag, 12 August 2011 19:19)

    Not seen the episode yet but that picture has got me very excited!!!

  • #2

    Ammy (Freitag, 12 August 2011 19:32)

    "love ain't gonna let you down" but Herr Bergman sure as hell will!!! I don't think my heart can take anymore ups and downs! One minute my heart is in pure bliss and then the next...outrage!

    But, on a side note... Jamie Cullem's song fits beautifully and perfectly with that TOTALLY JAW DROPPING, HEART SKIPPING A MILLION BEATS scene.

  • #3

    Lolo (Freitag, 12 August 2011 20:16)

    Emma should have gotten back into the laundry basket! Oh well, I guess this is part of the Jemma drama!

  • #4

    Conchi (Freitag, 12 August 2011 22:09)

    The writers know how to keep us worried and anxious...

  • #5

    Kirsty (Freitag, 12 August 2011 23:48)

    No kisses for ages, then THAT!Great! Surprised Jenny didn't tell Emma to find a new hiding place not in the bathroom. I think we are definitely in for a bit of an emotional Jemma-rollercoaster ride until the end of the series. Anything that takes us away from the pained expressions of Ben and Bea is a good thing though!

  • #6

    Alex (Freitag, 12 August 2011 23:58)

    Wow, I can't wait for next week's episodes!!

  • #7

    Conchi (Samstag, 13 August 2011 03:00)

    "That is enough for Emma. Nobody messes with her girlfriend//Cute terrier in action."

    Ja,ja,ja! Well said!...

  • #8

    Metric07 (Samstag, 13 August 2011 03:52)

    I liked how aside from everything going on Jenny told Emma she really needs to work on her smack talk. It's true but the timing of it cracked me up.

  • #9

    KBee (Samstag, 13 August 2011 05:35)

    Two outstanding tender moments really struck me: Emma's kiss on the cheek after being let out of the hamper, and Jenny's big smooch after Plan B was completed. Wow.

  • #10

    San (Samstag, 13 August 2011 06:20)

    Wow! What great moments in this episode! Jenny and Emma AND Timo and Luzi. The girls are so cute being clandestine. Along with the Watson/Holmes allusion, it made me think Jemma would make a good detective team - Singen und Tanzen Detectives!

    Knowing Stefan, he probably looked in the laundry hamper where Emma had wisely re-hidden herself. You can't pull anything past Stefan.

  • #11

    dropkick (Samstag, 13 August 2011 12:12)

    What's sad is how much better this story is than anything shown on American television. We've got nothing over here, and afterellen.com just proves it.

  • #12

    Andi (Samstag, 13 August 2011 13:04)

    A little urine-romance huh? Oh God never thought a bathroom urine exchange could be this breathtakingly sexy...

  • #13

    Marie-Helene (Samstag, 13 August 2011 15:27)

    @dropkick I so agree with you about AfterEllen...

  • #14

    Metric07 (Samstag, 13 August 2011 17:47)

    Is there a reason they stopped recapping HaH on afterellen? I miss those.

  • #15

    Renee (Samstag, 13 August 2011 22:01)

    I realize that this is just a show about teenagers, and I love Jemma (and Hands auf Herz) to bits, really, I do, but the... I can think of no other word to describe it... stupidity of their plan is driving me insane! Why didn't Emma pee in a plastic bag ahead of time and then hide it in the toilet or something? Why didn't Emma go back and hide in the laundry basket?
    I guess its all for the drama. That kiss scene almost makes up for the amount of brain hurt I'm experiencing over their plan....
    Also that smack talk speech was awesome.

  • #16

    Ammy (Sonntag, 14 August 2011 00:17)

    Renee, I agree with you about Emma should have gotten back in the Laundry basket but in terms of the beforehand urine....2 words...cold urine. The Drug Tester would have known something was up when she was handed cold or room tempature urine.