To remember your conversational partner's name would be a good start, but I think that's transnational, except you're from London maybe.
"Hi, ich bin Emma." - "Hi, I'm Emma."
'Hi'...that sounds so...English. Well, yeah, we Germans love your language..or at least the young folk does. That's why our cell phones are called 'Handy' - a total English word even though no one would ever say 'Handy' in an English speaking country. It's just cool to invent and take on English words. It starts at 'Hi', goes over 'nice' and 'sorry', 'dissen' and 'mobbing', 'team coaching camp', 'tour guide' and finally ends with "Junior Service Management Assistant'. But we're drifting off.
"Hi." and "Hey." are commonly used as a greeting by young people.
"Hallo." , in my experience, is ceasing. You'd rather use it to question someone's sanity, for example if someone did something totally inappropriate you'll say: "Halllooo???" Optionally add a "Hast du sie nicht mehr alle?" -"Are you crazy or what?" (Literally seen, that is the short form of the German saying "Hast du nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank?" - "Do you not have all cups in the cupboard anymore?")
Then there is the good old 'Guten Tag' (Good day) in all variations depending on the attitude of the sun and this is really commonly used ->
Alright, with that you will be armed for a greeting. If you're up north, you don't say (Guten) Morgen, but just "Moin". Also you can use the Spanish 'Hola' if you're in a good mood - or at least I do that.
Good bye seems to be the hardest word
Let's hope we'll never have to use it in relation to Jemma, but here's how to say goodbye.
All different forms of the italian 'Ciao'
Tschö (if you want to be funny say 'Tschö mit (with) Ö' It's not funny at all and I'm wondering where that came from)
Tschau or the actual 'Ciao'
Good-bye - (literally:
See you again.)
(Auf) Wiedersehen
If you hate the person you're saying goodbye to "Auf nimmer Wiedersehen" – Never see you again.
See you (later)
Wir sehen uns (später) – (literally: We'll see each other (later))
Bis bald/Bis gleich/Bis dann/Bis (insert day or time) – (literally: Till soon/in a moment/then):
Servus (if you're in Bavaria where Lucy is from)
Mach es gut. (reply: Mach es besser.) - "Be well/Do it well. - Be better/Do it better."
Dear english people, I'm very thankful that you do not pay attention to 'things' having to be written with a capital letter. Germans do. Everything that is a 'Substantive' (a noun, a thing) and a
proper name is written with a capital letter. I assume it's because all 'things' written with a capital letter are something special and are seen as having a 'soul' so that they deserve to be
written with a capital letter in contrast to verbs, adjectives and stuff. Because those are just slaves which are there to be used to link, explain and prettify the nouns. No equality
See Auto (car) and Fahrrad (bike) and Herr (Mister) are nouns which deserve to be written with a capital letter. So do Jenny, Bergmann and Emma because they are actual people and definitely do have a soul ... or at least Jenny and Emma do - beautiful ones at that.
Also you may have noticed that with 'crasht' we have the Germans doing English again. Your words are taken and the 'ed' of the past form are replaced with a 't'. But, you also might have noticed that your kaput is coming from our kaputt.
So note, every Thing and Name are written with a capital Letter at the Start. And your Language and Words would look like this being written under that german Rule.
Whenever you're asking someone out on a date again, you from now on will use this sentence:
(click on the links and then on the little megaphones next to the german words to get the sound of them and learn more.)
Der Kakao – hot chocolate
Die Jacke – jacket
Die Freundin – girlfriend
Der Herr – Mister
Das Fahrrad – bike
Das Auto – car
Das Kino – cinema
Der Film – film/movie
möchten – (to) want/would like
kaufen – (to) buy
denken – (to) think
klauen – (to) steal
anhaben – (to) wear
fahren – (to) drive
crashen – (to) crash
gehen – (to) go (in the prior context)
ausleihen – (to) borrow
sein – (to) be
können – (in the prior context) can
traumatisiert – traumatized
and of course you got to know all the greetings.
Learn all of this, there might be a test next time! Yes, we're taking this very seriously ;D
We hope you liked the first lesson. Jemma on and break all the servers of the world!
1000 Xs and Os.
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