Team Jemma

So, you think you're crazy for being totally infatuated with a German show and hopping around on this site? You are NOT alone! Crazy people are open people, it's good to be crazy, sometimes ;-) Hop on, we'll take you along!

Get to know the members of JemmaInternational. Additionally, we appointed two people honorary members, as they were partner for us and supported our work. A mega thank you, Franciska Friede (Sophie)! Always welcome, Dennis Schigiol (Hotte)!

And if you want to immortalize yourself too, you can put your name down on the Jemma Fan Map or leave us a nice greeting in our guestbook.


Verrückt nach einer deutschen Soap? Du bist nicht allein...:-)

Lernt die Mitglieder von JemmaInternational kennen. Außerdem haben wir zwei Menschen zu Honorary Members erklärt, da sie für uns Ansprechpartner waren und unsere Arbeit unterstützt haben. Ein Magadankeschön, Franciska Friede (Sophie)! Always welcome, Dennis Schigiol (Hotte)!

Und wenn ihr euch ebenfalls verewigen wollt, könnte ihr euch hier in die Jemma Fan Map eintragen oder uns einen lieben Gruß im Gästebuch hinterlassen.


Jemma Fan Map

Jemma is conquering the world and we want to see which parts of the world are already thoroughly inffected by the Jemmavirus.

Log into your google account and add a pin to the map for where you are in the world.


Wo überall hat der Jemmavirus zugeschlagen? Loggt Euch über Euren Google account ein und setzt ein "Fähnchen".

Team Jemma auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Bellow you will find a guide for how to add yourself to the map.

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    Bern (Samstag, 23 Juli 2011 08:46)

    Yet another awesome idea! I just added myself.

    Hurray to worldwide Jemma revolution!

  • #2

    fofolle (Montag, 25 Juli 2011 15:23)

    Yes!!!!! thank you so much girl :)

    first and only in switzerland for now ^_^

  • #3

    Pureharmonix (Sonntag, 07 August 2011 09:11)

    Greetings from Alaska, USA. Terrific website - vielen dank!

  • #4

    moarleyne (Mittwoch, 17 August 2011 19:59)

    Just added myself!!!

    I´m so glad that I found this great website.
    Team Jemma!!

  • #5

    dolly (Montag, 14 November 2011 23:18)

    How about a business deal for Petra B., Lucy, and Kasia? After all they are all in SHOW BUSINESS. Obviously, there is a huge following all over the world as well as a willingness to do anything to get these ladies to produce quality entertainment that all crave and appreciate.
    Why don't you do a survey, and ask the fans if they would be willing to financially support a project that would be worthwhile to the above ladies mentioned??? Some of us wouldn't mind investing into a project headed by Ms.Bodenback and starring Lucy and Kasia!! Just an idea!

  • #6

    FloriDori (Sonntag, 24 März 2013)

    Coole Website :)

    Team Jemma <3

  • #7

    JonahJones (Sonntag, 09 Juni 2013 10:55)

    I love this website. It has been so amazing to watch the episodes with the transcripts and the very funny comments which made me laugh out loud at points!

    Thank you so much for all your hard work. If people would like to add me on Kik my name is: mag7

    I am always up for Jemma talk!

  • #8

    Moreorlez (Montag, 09 November 2015 08:43)

    Peru is present baby! Jemma all the way!!! <3