Sagt mal, habt ihr noch Kontakt zu Kasia. Man hört nichts mehr. Macht sie Musik? Wollte sie ja immer.
Mokka238(Sonntag, 15 Dezember 2013 22:33)
Hallo Jemma International es ist an der Zeit das ich Euch auch mal was ins Gästebuch schreibe. Ich kann es gar nicht in Worte fassen wie sehr ich Euch Danke. Ihr gebt Euch so viel Mühe! bereichert
uns mit tollen Ideen von Jemma! und übersetzt auch noch alles. DANKE FÜR ALLES WAS IHR macht und den großen aufwand den Ihr betreibt um uns Jemma Fans happy zu machen. DANKE
Franzi(Sonntag, 21 April 2013 17:01)
Diese Seite ist echt der Wahnsinn!! Wir alle liiieben Jemma noch immer soo sehr, und bei allem, was ihr hier reinstellt, denke ich zurück an die schöne Zeit und kann mich manchmal vor Lachen nicht
mehr halten :)Diese ganzen Insider sind einfach klasse und echt richtig witzig! Macht bitte bitte so weiter, ich könnte mich hier Stunden aufhalten... :)
JEMMA for ever <3
Hab erst heute wieder ins Guestbook geschaut, sry das ihr euch extra die Mühe gemacht habt den Emmalicous Part I rauszusuchen aber ein ganz so großer Kasia-Fan bin ich nicht, meine handykarte ist
schon mit Lucy zugedonnert da hab ich kaum Platz für Kasia ;) Sollte jetzt auf keinen Fall negativ klingen :p
Freu mich schon auf eure weiteren Überraschungen hier auf der Seite!
Ihr seid die tollsten! <3
Natze(Dienstag, 05 Februar 2013 17:31)
Hallo, ich finde eure Seite ech super. Bin echt sprachlos was ihr hier alles reingestellt habt, mit wie viel mühe das alles verbunden ist. Ihr seit der wahnsinn. Vielen Dank für die echt
wunderschönen Valentines Karten. Jemma forever ;-)
Grüßle Natze
Anki(Freitag, 14 Dezember 2012 21:18)
ich würde mich gern bedanken bei denn Aadministratoren die seite ist wirklich klasse !:)
ich komme ihr sehr gern ihn und freue mich jedesmal über was neune tolle arbeit :)
die seite ist sehr empfehlenswert :)
lg Anki
Danke, Sarah aka Krümel ;) aber wir sind ja etwas enttäuscht.....hatten doch extra schon in Erwartung einer Mail von Dir, den Emmalicous Part I vorbereitet....;)))
Krümel(Montag, 10 Dezember 2012 17:40)
Die geilste Seite überhaupt! Und so tolle Administratoren! ;) So verständnisvoll! ;D
Ich empfehle die Seite allen Leuten die ich kenne, die Jemma-Fans sind!
Liebe Grüße an alle Jamma-Fans!
Sollte das nicht klappen, bitte kurze Mail übers Kontaktformular.
SarahKrümel(Montag, 03 Dezember 2012 14:11)
Ich finde diese Seite echt klasse! Alles was mein Herz begehrt!!!
Hab mal ne Frage ... kennt jemand den Link für "Jemmalicious Part 1"? Im Adventskalender ist ja heute der 2. Part drin ...
Denise R.(Freitag, 12 Oktober 2012 19:07)
Ich finde diese Seite echt Klasse gemacht :)
Es ist echt alles dabei, was über Jemma bzw Lucy Scherer und Kasia Borek hier zu finden ist. Also Lob an die Macher von dieser Seite. :)
Liebe Grüße :)
Sarah(Sonntag, 02 September 2012 22:53)
Jemma ist für den German Soap Award als schönstes Liebespaar nominiert!!!
Ersteinmal danke für die lieben Worte. Es freut uns natürlich immer von einzelnen zu hören, besonders auch wenn es sich um neuhinzugestoßene Jemmalinge handelt, die vielleicht nicht gleich auf der
ersten Welle mitgeritten sind ;)
Schließlich war eins unserer Ziele, dies hier auch für die 'Nachwelt' festzuhalten und alles ein wenig zusammenzutragen und einfacher zu machen für all diejenigen auf Welle 2, 3 und folgende :)
Deshalb schonmal danke, dass du dich zu Wort gemeldet hast. Aber nun zu deinem Anliegen!
Wir haben das ganze mal unter die Lupe genommen und haben festgestellt, dass das '' gelöscht/deaktiviert wurde. Dieses Forum gehörte nicht zu unserer Seite, sondern war von anderen
Fans erschaffen wurden in dem eben ein paar Threats enthalten waren mit FanArt, welche wir auf der FanArts-Seite mit deren erlaubnis verlinkt hatten. Da nun aber das Forum gelöscht ist, werden wir
die Links dazu deaktivieren.
Tut uns leid, wenn du dir nun schon Hoffnung auf mehr gemacht hattest. Falls die Personen aber andere Orte und Seiten haben auf denen sie ihre Sachen veröffentlichen und wir Kenntnis davon bekommen,
werden wir sie in Zukunft natürlich wieder neu verlinken.
Danke dir!
Stay Jemmy, Emma-addicted and Hakuna Matata,
denn dies sind alles gute Sachen die man bleiben sollte ;)
Hakuna Matata ;-)(Montag, 13 August 2012 19:05)
Heyho ihr Lieben! (:
Zuallererst ein riesengroßes, fettes, unterstrichenes und mödermäßiges Danke an euch, für die Mühe, die ihr euch macht, um der Welt ein so zauberhaftes Paar näher zu bringen! ♥
Bin erst kürzlich auf HaH gestoßen...durch Jemma und youtube natürlich ^^ Aber hab mir in jeder freien Minute die Jemma-Story angeschaut und bin dann dazu übergegangen, die Serie komplett zu schauen.
Mittlerweile sind sogar erste DVD-Staffeln bestellt ^^
Es freut mich zu sehen, dass man nicht allein ist auf der Welt...ich mein, ich kann derzeit nicht einen Tag ohne Kasia/Emma/Jemma. Krasse schauspielerische/gesangliche Leistung.
Ihr habt einen neuen Fan und der hofft auf neue FanArts! ;D (Zugriff auf die bisherigen ist irgendwie nicht möglich..könntet ihr vielleicht mal nachschauen?..)
Greetz, Emma-addicted ♥
Julia(Donnerstag, 02 August 2012 07:06)
Hey jemmaInternational
Ich wollte mich ganz herzlich bei euch bedanken, dafür, dass ihr hier siese Seite erstellt habt, dafür, wie ihr euch bemüht uns immer auf dem neusten Stand zu halten und natürlich dafür, dass ihr
Jemma nicht in Vergessenheit geraten lässt. (obwohl, kann das überhaupt mal passieren?)
Wie bei vielen anderen hat Jemma auch mein Leben verändert. (Die einzelheiten erspar ich euch, sonst wirds zu lang) ;)....
Ich kann mich nur wiederholen und DANKE sagen, für das was ihr macht :D
Liebe grüße
Bella(Dienstag, 10 Juli 2012 17:44)
Ich liebe Jemma(auch HaHe) über alles!
Diese Serie war/ist meine Lieblingsserie!
Sie wird immer in unserem Köpfen und hier weiterleben!
In Love,Bella
Hello, hola, Γειά, Hallo,
Please help us keep our spanish lesbian couple of Tierra de Lobos together by signing this petition. Feel free to distribute the link to friends, family, other FB groups, and/or gay-friendly
Thank you! Danke! Ευχαριστώ :)Gracias!
Debbi(Samstag, 24 Dezember 2011 10:20)
Hallo zusammen :)
Ich wollte mich bei euch für diesen wundervollen Adventskalender bedanken. Er hat mir jeden Tag ein Lächeln ins Gesicht gezaubert, auch wenn der Tag nicht ganz so bescheiden war. Der Kalender hat mir
jedes Mal aufs neue den Tag gerettet.
Durch euch lebt HaH weiter in unseren Herzen und ihr haltet uns immer auf dem Laufenden.
SOoooo, genug geschwärmt. Wünsche euch ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest im Kreise eurer Lieben
Isy(Samstag, 10 Dezember 2011 22:21)
Hey, die Seite ist echt super !
ich finde es toll, dass die Folgen hier alle einzeln beschrieben sind und dass es so wenigstens eine Chance gibt, dass Jemma nicht ganz vergessen geht!
weiter so, ihr seid echt super.
Liebe Grüße,
KBee(Sonntag, 02 Oktober 2011 03:48)
Has anyone heard when Sat1 might release a second CD of the songs? I'm anxiously waiting for some great new tunes.
frananifan(Freitag, 16 September 2011 03:01)
Ep 4
[Flashback of Bea and Ben's night]
(I think I can draw that night from memory by now..and I can't even draw.)
Bwhaaahahahaha!! Thank you, needed that laugh.
hoppe(Sonntag, 04 September 2011 16:46)
I just started to read your funny comments about the show in the english translations a few days ago. well, that's what you're missing if you don't need to read translations because you are German
again: great work, guys... if I wouldn't have been torn into two about my "old" group and you I might have joined ;) It's great you were and are there!
Marlene(Sonntag, 04 September 2011 07:10)
Wow, what a great show with a great cast and great writing. I laughed and cried. I'm going to miss rushing to my computer in the morning to see the latest upload. I'll have to find new ways to
procrastinate! J.I. girls, your dedication to this project was much appreciated and inspiring. I hope you find another project soon!
Ana(Samstag, 03 September 2011 01:50)
Girls ... thanks for everything ...
We'd be lost without this hard work ... it allowed this global wave.
My admiration and respect ...
We will go on with this side and also with the translations for the DVD's. So it's not over and no time to say good-bye :-)
AmyLnnLee(Mittwoch, 31 August 2011 14:14)
Guys I just wanted to say thanks for all of your hard work on translations..You are really the best! ; ) I liked the funny notes in translations you always made me lough so hard! : ) Jemma spirit
will live forever! <3 I will always remain their fan! Take care! Oh its just like saying goodbye with dear friend..I will miss you guys..this was one of the kind site..well,its not yet time to cry
Im saving it all for Friday! Greetings from Croatia
hoppe(Mittwoch, 24 August 2011 18:56)
Man! I'm devastated! After only 4 days the great artistic fanvids of youtuber fireflyleelee are ALL blocked!!! Why they don't leave us at least the fanvids, now where the show is ending??? hope your
vids will survive ;)
Hello KBee, the last episode will be shown in a double feature on 02.09.11 on SIXX TV. But the Show also airs on austrian television and there the last episode airs on 05.09.11.
We do not know yet, when the last episode will be shown online. The moment we now exactly we come back to you. Promised! :-)
KBee(Samstag, 20 August 2011 01:32)
Greetings. Does anyone know when the final episode will be? I watched the "I'm a Survivor" music video the other day and got choked up. I'm definately gonna miss this show. Any more news with season
2, or are they done, done? Thanks for all your kick-a** hard work with translations, humor and whatnot. Cheers.
redbloome(Samstag, 20 August 2011 00:57)
Ich würd auch gern wissen, welche Bettwäsche Jenny hat und vor allem wo man sie kaufen kann :) (die rote mit den bunten Blumen drauf) Folge 216.
I also want to know which bed linen Jenny has (episode 216) (red one with flowers) where can I buy it?
the vedettebuff(Freitag, 19 August 2011 19:08)
Thanks so much for your hard work,guys! Even though the show's coming to an end, I love how all the dedicated fans are petitioning,doing falshmobs and doing everything they can to ensure that the
series won't stop...the spirit is strong.
Why did they decide to stop it anyway?
This was the best series ever.
Have to say a big congrats and thanks to the wonderful cast, producer, screen writer cos they've done a wonderful job, allowing this great experience
Does anyone know if you can buy the DVD in Australia??
Team Jemma forever!!
<3 a big fan from Sydney
Leeni(Samstag, 13 August 2011 18:07)
Weiß jemand, was für eine Bettwäsche Jenny gerade hat? (folge 210 und 10.08.)
Does anybody know how that bed linen is called and where I can find it?
Conchi(Freitag, 12 August 2011 17:46)
Thanks for your wonderful and hard work with Jemma story...I'm a Spanish woman watching a German tv show with English's funny! isn't it? ;-)
Melanie Polson(Montag, 01 August 2011 06:17)
I am from Monterey, Indiana(United States of America). I have just recently two weeks ago if that came across Jemma and i fell hard for these two and to find out it will be cancelled. I speak English
and the translations are wonderful but before i found those they had me hooked from the beginning. Big fan! Love them♥
Julia(Montag, 01 August 2011 01:12)
Jemma is the greatest thing ever! Absolutly fantastic! Wonderful story and gorgeous actress! :-D Jemma foreva^
Clijsters3(Dienstag, 26 Juli 2011 18:02)
Hi I want to make a couple of suggestions for the music section for songs to put on the Jemma compilation. First is a song called Down by the Water by The Drums which is more suitable for the first
compilation but I think it's so perfect I wanted to let you know about it. Second is a song called Forever and Ever Amen also by The Drums and is much more upbeat and positive. I think the lyrics on
both songs are perfect for Jemma. Please listen and see what you think. Stay Jemma!
Hi Luca, we are already collecting all ideas to post them here on the site.
So if you have more information give us a short mail with the contact formular!
Luca Grothaus(Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 22:45)
Hey guys!
I'm from Germany and I'm as sad as you all are!
The Fans are full of ideas to support "Hand aufs Herz" so that it will go on.
One of those ideas is this:
We want to make a video, where everyone says "The heart has to continue beating" in his own language, so that Sat.1 sees, that there are not just national Fans.
Who wants to work with us together?
I will be happy about feedback.
xoxo, Luca
Babsi(Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 23:27)
Maresska(Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 12:02)
When will be the last episode?
Maresska(Montag, 27 Juni 2011 23:57)
Hi! Thx so much for the website.
Guys help me...I don't understand what happening now... No more Jemma?? What does it mean?No more Hand aufs herz??Why?
Depressed(Montag, 27 Juni 2011 12:08)
No more Jemma. :'(
Flora(Freitag, 24 Juni 2011 06:02)
Vielen Dank! And greetings from Seattle, WA, USA.
ileana(Donnerstag, 23 Juni 2011 00:09)
Thank you so much for your hard work i really appreciate it !!! The episodes are getting better every single day. I like seeing Jenny 'kick' Ronnie's ass. Her attitude it has to do with her past in
London. I hope someday soon to be revealed her "pretty little secret".
ecosse(Mittwoch, 22 Juni 2011 18:04)
Thanks for last night, ladies! *wink wink* This may have been asked before but Heather's afterellen recap reminded me...why are there no clips of the bus crash/superhero Jenny episodes? Surely
they're Jemma essential? Plus, who doesn't like seeing stuff ass-ploding? :)
Are you going to put up transcripts from the livechat? Thanks!
carol(Mittwoch, 22 Juni 2011 01:59)
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all your hard work. You guys are amazing!
A swedish girl(Dienstag, 21 Juni 2011 23:45)
WOW! Thank you so much for your live translations, that was almost like participating in the chat myself! You guys are the best!
Suz(Dienstag, 21 Juni 2011 21:50)
Leute, guys...
Der Livechat war hammers, fantastico!! :-)
Danke nochmal @ translators und danke @ international crowd!! You rock!
angie(Dienstag, 21 Juni 2011 21:15)
Even though it's been said before many times, it never hurts to stress how much appreciation I have for your work and devotion to Jemma & HaH!!! Thank you very much!
ann red(Samstag, 18 Juni 2011 20:13)
miss you girls! :-*
Sthur(Samstag, 18 Juni 2011)
Wow!! This site is great!! Thanx to all the peeps working hard to keep it updated and all! :-)
fofolle(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 13:24)
Der zweite Versuch - Dienstag, den 21.06. um 19 Uhr
finally, a date has been set for the Chat... hope it's gonna work this time!! :)
olga(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 06:33)
Please dont stop translating the whole episode.. Story got interesting! Ofcourse jemma's scene is the best... :)
Thank you, you're awesome!
Veronica(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 04:01)
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you guys for doing this! You're am amazing group of people, and we appreciate your effort. Greetings from Mexico!
Sulu(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 01:33)
Just wanted to say thank you so so much. I was just about to give up on my favorite couple, before I found your translations! Thank you again, I love you guys.
Squirrel(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 00:33)
Just wanted to say - I love this website. You are all amazing. Thank-you.
fofolle(Freitag, 17 Juni 2011 00:29)
your review of the soap award was HAMMER!!!
I really hope to come in Germany one day :)
Adriana(Donnerstag, 16 Juni 2011 01:37)
Thanks for the translations and all your hard work! Ep176 best. episode. ever!
bibin(Montag, 13 Juni 2011 01:40)
thank you for all your hard work!
Liza(Sonntag, 12 Juni 2011 21:01)
Hello you all!
First of all, congratulations to this wonderful site, you're really doing a great job.
I think it's pretty cool, that you're saying "welcome" even in Greek! :-) That made me smile.
Just wanted to say that.
Macht weiter so, das ist echt Wahnsinn, was alles so schnell auf die Beine gestellt wurde!
@showler: Thank you for your suggestion. Why haven't we thought of this before? Of course we want to give you space to discuss. It's in the work :) Check it out @174 etc.
showler(Samstag, 11 Juni 2011 23:06)
Have you folks considered adding comments sections to the individual episode pages (for instance: so that people can discuss the events of the
individual episodes?
Verena(Samstag, 11 Juni 2011 20:58)
Congratulations on the successful site. Jemma rules the world! Keep it up...
showler(Samstag, 11 Juni 2011 16:23)
The previews look awesome. I don't speak any German, but it looks like Emma made a promise, then that promise got made a bit more dramatic by Ms. Vogel....and Jenny seems to really be enjoying the
Roni(Samstag, 11 Juni 2011 09:41)
Ep 175 is going to be the best HAH ep yet. in addition to featuring Jemma there is mention of lady gaga in the preview clips!!
Clara(Samstag, 11 Juni 2011 09:32)
is there a way you can post/track which countries are accessing this site and how many hits it gets a day? I'm really interested in knowing the global magnitude of this :)
showler(Freitag, 10 Juni 2011 23:29)
I think the Jemma experiment must be going well for Sat1. At least the number of commercials in the full episodes seems to have doubled :)
showler(Freitag, 10 Juni 2011 14:01)
The Jemma clips haven't been updated past episode 149 yet. The only other things that aren't locked are the last five full episodes and the music clips.
You should be able to get to the full episodes from the translation page here at (under "Full episodes"). Is that not working at all?
Mary(Freitag, 10 Juni 2011 08:17)
Thanks so much for this awesome website and all of the translations of the new episodes! Being from the USA, I am still unable to view the clips posted on the Sat 1 website. Am I missing something? I
see the Jemma videos up to episode 149, but beyond that I am unable to view the clips. Any suggestions?
katey(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 21:47)
thank you SO much, fellow fan. there's a whole lot of information about both of them in this one - said and unsaid, yes? not knowing the context, the body language is opening up for each one in this
scene and now i know it's because they're finally sharing new parts of themselves with each other. thanks again for making this whole show experience yet one more notch more awesome.
Bern(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 20:57)
Hey! I'm just another fan, but thought I could help you with your question. If I'm correct, what you are referring to was when Jenny gave Emma a ride home from Saal 1, right?
Well, they only talked about how weird it was having found the corpse in the volleyball court, and if Emma thought it was actually the sister of Alexandra Lohmann. Then Jenny asks if she has
siblings, to which Emma says she has three. Jenny says she's an only child, and that she is spoiled. Emma asks why she is living with the Bergmanns and Jenny replies because she is studying at
Pestalozzi. Emma clarifies her question and asks why a Londoner prefers to go to Cologne when it isn't very fancy in comparison with London. She also asks why Jenny's parents are still in London,
because Emma can't imagine her own parents would ever let her go far away.
All the time Emma is asking, Jenny just keeps silent, so Emma asks if she said something wrong. Jenny replies that it's nothing and she'll just explain another time. Emma thanks Jenny for taking her
home and leaves the car. Then Jenny calls out and apologizes for her bike. Emma smiles and then goes home.
I hope that was clear enough for you. :)
Andi(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 20:50)
Thanky ou for everything! :)
katey(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 19:13)
sorry -- this is episode 102 that i'm referring to in #69. help.
katey(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 18:05)
beautiful people - sorry to use this as a conact page - hope it works! (i can't enter the no-robot code into the contact form due to how the vote box covers the first letter with my ancient
please help! my limited spanish does me no good and i'm desperate to know the girl's conversation in the car back in ep ...113??-- it seems like this is THE moment the relationship changes, but i
can't really tell because i don't understand german. please save me from limited linguistic self. you rock.
Temperance(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 14:56)
Many thanks for the great site, appreciate all the hard work, as we all do I'm sure!
Sad the chat was cancelled, although I am secretly proud that it was due to 'too much' love for Jemma! xD
Thanks again x
Wired74(Mittwoch, 08 Juni 2011 01:46)
Hey guys! This is a great site! I love the blog with all of your updated information about Jemma in the news and around the web. Your translations have helped me so much. Too bad about the chat being
cancelled today but your lead up to it and the ability for international fans to read the chat looked great! You guys have done a lot of hard work and it's appreciated! Between this site and some
others I can get my full Jemma fix! Thanks!
Tina(Dienstag, 07 Juni 2011 18:05)
Hello from Holland!
Wow I just discovered this site. It's great!!
thank you for all of your hard work :-)
Clijsters3(Dienstag, 07 Juni 2011 11:55)
A big thank you to all your hard work and dedication in producing this wonderful site. It's amazing you do all these translations and so quick as well I think I speak for many people when I say I
don't know what I'd do without you.
fofolle(Montag, 06 Juni 2011 23:08)
das ist nochmals Fofolle. Ich wollte Ihr sagen, woaw!! Updates sind wunderbar!
Besten Dank
Bern(Montag, 06 Juni 2011 06:40)
Hello! I know you all have gotten a whole lot of thanks from everyone all over the world, and I'm no different - THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING.
Now, I have no idea if this is okay, but I just felt like sharing this story of mine. So I'm from the States, and this morning, I woke up with a BIG smile on my face. Here's how it started...
I woke up at around 3 AM due to the call of nature (LOL), and when I went back to bed, I couldn't sleep. I put my iPod on shuffle and wore the earphones to listen to some music in order for it to
help me sleep.
Next thing I know, I'm wearing winter clothes and standing next to a construction site (like the one Sophie tried to jump from) at the Pestalozzi. I notice my lips moving and I was singing "Talkin'
Bout a Revolution" and when I looked around me, I saw Kasia, Hotte and Luzi singing with me. Then we started dancing. (Though it's weird that what we danced was the steps to "Ain't No Mountain High
After about 5 seconds of dancing and singing with them, I look to my left and see the other group of dancers: Lucy, Timo and Bodo. I ran over to them and danced/sang along.
Then I open my eyes and sure enough, I was hearing "Talkin' Bout a Revolution" only this time, there were no Hand aufs Herz cast, I was not at Pestalozzi, and it was hot. My brain finally realized
that I was in my room, in my bed, freshly woken up from a dream.
Crazy, right? But I enjoyed it very much! ;)
hoppetosse(Montag, 06 Juni 2011)
Hey!!! Vielen Dank für Euren link zum jennyandemma1 blog und die tollen Worte! Und natürlich für eure schnellen Episoden-übersetzungen!!! "Kollegiale Grüße!" LOL
Thanks so much for linking to our jennyandemma1 blog and your awesome words of appreciation! And naturally for your quick translations of the current episodes - way to go! My compliments from a
colleague! ;)
Kristen(Sonntag, 05 Juni 2011 05:28)
Just wanted to say that I am so happy to have found this site, and thank you for all of your hard work and for bringing the story to international fans.
Cathrine(Samstag, 04 Juni 2011 12:03)
Thank you! Danke! For bringing this storyline to international fans!
Lillian(Samstag, 04 Juni 2011 08:22)
Thank you so much from all the hard work!!! xoxoxxoxox
Just another Canadian <3 :)
Tomas(Samstag, 04 Juni 2011 03:35)
mmm aquel que me entienda XD viva latinoamerica juajaajaj eso po :D
kinzemory(Freitag, 03 Juni 2011 04:32)
Hi guys! Thank you so, so, SO freakin' much for all the work you do bringing the Jemma love to the non-German world. You are amazing. I've been watching this site grow and change since almost the
beginning and it's so awesome seeing it all come together. Much love from Canada!
crazy love from portland, or., usa(Donnerstag, 02 Juni 2011 08:06)
to you and sat1. i'm dumfounded, grateful, and officially caught forever in your web of love. you are ALL terribly, awfully, deliciously crazy.
D.(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 22:15)
Hallo! Ein ganz dickes Lob an die Leute, die für die Seite zuständig sind. Respekt, wie ihr das alles auf dem Laufenden haltet und weiter ausbaut. Die Seite ist einfach super, weiter so! GLG von
einem glücklichen Jemma Fan
Ulrica(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 20:39)
Hi Jemma International!
Your are so great and I am so impressed of your website and all, all the work you do with this storyline Jemma:-)! It´s amazing, I know - because I work as a professional webmaster, so I know how
much work this just shows us that you just love this couple and that you are as crazy as we all others are:-)!! But don´t we all now are waiting for some upcoming romantics and tension and
feelings showing between them two? I mean, I´m a bit puzzled about the fact that from not able to keep their hands of eachother when they at last had come together, they now don´t interact with
eachother almost anything. It´s the small, small things that makes a lovestory like theirs; touching in secret, looks in secret, standing so close they just can as soon as they can...and above all;
when Emma got back from bootcamp, where were the carying from Jenny?´s up to the storywriters to keep up now before the - at least - international viewers get a little, just a little,
Thank you for giving us the two lines of Andrew. I was tired and didn't have the nerves to listen to him once more ;)
@swedish girl:
Thank you! You're very kind and your comment helped to get us back on the ground. But we do kind of have the aspirations to have them up the same day ;D
Lied from Team Jemma
alph_gal(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 14:06)
You guys rock! Thanks so much for all your hard work - I'm a fan from Down Under!
Ricarda(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 11:15)
danke für die Website hier.
Ist ja Wahnsinn was für ein Jemma-Hype abgeht. Hoffe dieser Ship bleibt uns noch lange erhalten. :D
Gibt es eigentlich schon ein Diskussionsforum?
Macht weiter so, denn was ihr hier macht ist wirklich klasse.
Viele Grüße aus Köln am Rhein,
Nish(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 10:27)
Thank you guys so much for all your effort.
you are a gem..
dropkick(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 09:52)
Oh my, just got done checking out all the new content. You guys are the best!
dropkick(Mittwoch, 01 Juni 2011 08:39)
I noticed you are confused on two lines Andrew Weg said in English in the transcript of episode 166. The first line is "Yes, I know." And the second is "If the stadiums are full, I'm a happy man."
a swedish girl(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 23:48)
I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to apologize when you don't have the time to translate the episodes the same day, I promise you there is noone that demand this from you. You work so
hard for us and we appreciate it so much whenever the translations are up. Please don't feel pressed, there is no stress!! Much love to you all! <3 From Sweden
Sasha(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 22:39)
Many, many Thanks for such a wonderful site and so much hard work. Loving this show from long distance in Florida.
Meg(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 21:22)
Thought I better jump onto the wagon and be one of the many fans that is shouting many THANKS to you guys for creating this very much appreciative and helpful website. Without this, I wouldn't be
able to fully enjoy the dialogue that goes on, especially between Jenny and Emma.
Again thanks a bunch and keep up the awesome work you guys are doing!!! :)
Amanda(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 12:15)
Thank you so much for this amazing site. For sure i'll comeback and spread to everybody. I hope that the site gets better and better. Best wishes from Alagoas, Brazil
Yvette(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 03:42)
Thank you for this wonderful site. Hollering from Miami, FL. :)
Marie(Dienstag, 31 Mai 2011 02:20)
Merci à l'équipe de Jemma International et merci à Lucy et Kasia pour leur interprétation touchante et inspirée. Best wishes from Quebec, Canada.
cheffe(Sonntag, 29 Mai 2011 23:23)
Hey you guys, it's beyond late, and I just really wanted to see this on a screen a little bigger than that of my infamous netbook. You guys, like, rock so,so much, like you can't believe!It has been
such a joy (and relief;-) working on this with you!And yes,actually quite a small miracle. You like totally rock'n roll! The biggest,most fabulous of hugs to y'all!
Suz(Sonntag, 29 Mai 2011 16:04)
*speechlessness deluxe*
Ich bin sowas von sprachlos, Gott sei Dank funktionieren Hirn und Finger, wenn der Mund schon versagt und nur "&b1rahlhfdf8sndyx" rauskommt ;-)
Daher lasse ich mal ein LOB LOB LOB da!
Ihr macht so'nen tollen Job mit der Seite... hach hätte ich nur mehr Zeit *grummel*
Ummm in case anyone wants these "MC Jemma"-Soundtracks including artists like The Temper Trap, Joni Mitchell, Rachael Yamagata, The Cure, My Brightest Diamond, Feist, etc etc etc - please leave a
short message and your email here... You can also contact me via my YouTube channel SuzillaB, in case you don't want to share your address here.
I know, I'll have to think of a better solution in case you're interested at all.
But so far... music geeks, unite! ;-)
Post(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 22:44)
Die neuen Jemma Postbriefe sind toll! Ja, ja, manchmal bekommt man halt Post ... und manchmal bekommt ihr halt ein großes Dankeschön für all eure Mühe :-)
Hi Sioban,
thanx a lot for your support and your nice comment.
We started last Thursday and we are, let me think about it, currently 15 people working on this fantastic project. And we have so many things in mind to let you all celebrate the Jemma Party with us.
You're all doing a fantastic job with this website. So amazing all of the features you have! Thank you :o) - Can I ask, how many are in your team? And when did you start? ♥
dropkick(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 10:58)
After a kinda disappointing finale for Glee, having translated Jemma clips is a godsend. Thank you.
Team Jemmainternational(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 09:32)
@ Becca:
The clips on the HAH Site are on to clip 149. We are working on an episode guide to make you all understand what was happening between episode 150 and 160.
jj(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 06:25)
hey girls - great job!
you also have a fan in canada. keep going. :-)
*ich(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 03:37)
wow DAS ist ja mal was hier, die jemma-community wächst und wächst!!!
Danke für diese tolle Seite und die Mühe, jemma rules <3
Katrine(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 00:50)
I just wanted to thank you all for doing this, it is really great and a wonderful display of genuine niceness in the world :) I my self understand German quite well (I am Danish, so I have learned it
in school and also have German channels - including sat1, yay! - on my tv - I speak German terribly though ;)) but it is still nice to read the transcriptions and translations to be 100% sure that I
heard it and understood right, and of course to read the funny stuff you write in here! If there is something I can help with, I am happy to help, even though I am pretty sure a translation in to
Danish, doesn't really help anybody but me ;). But feel free to ask, if there is anything else I can do.
Well such a long note, when all I wanted to say was thank you!
scout03060(Freitag, 27 Mai 2011 00:40)
I am going to ditto all that everyone has said about your site! THANKS for all the very hard work and I think this is a great way to help us international fans out! I can't believe you are doing the
whole eps either that is fantastic since I have become interested in the other characters as well.
The site is really coming along well and fast!
Really can't thank you all enough! Big Hug from Arkansas USA
becca(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 23:53)
thanks so much. i was wondering were the jemma clips from 150 to 160 were. i haven't been able to find them so im so confused on whats going on now.
zana(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 22:35)
Hi, just stop by to say tank you very much, for all your hard work with translating and this "jemmasite". :)
thank you, very, very much. :)
take care.
Karla(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 19:31)
gabs_hope(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 08:52)
Greetings from down under..
Thank you so much for this wonderful site. I am on here several times a day as I need an hourly Jemma fix !! You guys and your translators are AMAZING!! I am constantly amazed by how quick whole
episode translations are up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I could go on for hours about how greatful I am, but I think it's time for a Jemma fix....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gabi(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 03:16)
Brazilian girl giving thumbs up for the iniciative!
@Nina! Thanks for your nice comment! Loving Jemma makes this wohl work pretty easy! And it's worth it! You deserve to be a part of the Jemmauniverse!
Since we don't have a dutch translator *yet*, your help would be really appreciated! Please send us an e-mail by using the contac button! Thank you so much! Your Team Jemma!
Nina(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 01:45)
Thanks so much, this is a really cool site you guys! It makes it so much easier to find the clips AND fully understand what's going on in them. I live in Belgium, so I've studied German, and I can
use it if I have to, but it's not near good enough to grasp the details watching a show like this. So thanks a lot for putting it up, the english translation does a great deal for me ;)
Also, you're under construction, so I don't have a clue wether you've already got someone working on it, but if not, I'd be more than happy to translate (through english) to dutch, if it would help!
Just let me know :)
Sashalee(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 01:44)
An amazing piece of hard work to put this impressive website together and maintain. It is greatly appreciated... Many thanks for all that you are doing.
Carold007(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 01:17)
Checking in From Sunny SoCal, USA. Thanks for all your hard work. Enjoying the show.
Deb(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 00:17)
Hi from England,
what an amazing journey we, you and the show seem to be taking together!! Thank you so much for the part you have played in getting things to this position!
I'm pleased to see that you are getting name checked and thanked on lots of sites/tweets etc too- it's well deserved!
All the best
PS have you spotted that Ep 102 hasn't been unblocked? I think you are missing it from your episode list too? (It's my favourite because I love the pace of the scene and I think it's where they first
realise that there is something between them - even though Emma doesn't realise what yet!!)
Denise Hayes(Donnerstag, 26 Mai 2011 00:04)
Vielen dank fur dieses videos. Sie sind schon! Ich liebe Jemma! Thanks so much for these video's I love this story. keep up the good work.
Greetings from ireland!
Rui Arshana(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 22:37)
Vielen danke für dies website *how's my german? :p*
Greetings from Indonesia! Thank you very much for your work to make this website available, totally appreciate it! Oh, and I love the Jemma starter kit video, can not wait for the next editions!
@lilalola: yeah, next year they must definitely reach top ten, or even perhaps on top 3 like Brittana wohooo XD but I'll say, it was great that both of them is on this year's list, even lucy manage
to get to number 25, you go girl!!! *pumps fist*
lilalola(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 22:18)
Great job! And have you already realized that Heather Hogan is talking about your site in her recent recap? Thank you for the effort you are taking for keeping fans all over the world up to date with
one of the cutest couples tv has seen nso far. Hey guys check out Kasia's and Lucy's ranking in the afterellen hot 100 list! Next time we go for top ten or even pole position :)
Julie(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 18:48)
And it's unbelievable how many jemma fans there are in the world ;P
carol2010(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 17:57)
I wanted to say that I really appreciate everything that you all do here on this fantastic website. It is genius! Lots of love from Toronto, Ontario
nenedallagonegro(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 17:33)
So thank U so much for all your amazing job!!!! A big kiss from Italy.
Lied from Team Jemma(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 17:16)
Hey Spygirl!
We heard you. I'll bring it to discussion. I'm sure we can do that. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but in the future, yes!
Thanks for all your support guys! We appreciate every one of your mails and comments.
Thank you!
1000 kisses and hugs to all of you,
SpyGirl(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 13:16)
Greeeeaaat site!!! I miss an epi guide though. Would be great...
Steffi(Mittwoch, 25 Mai 2011 10:53)
Ich finde es richtig toll, was ihr hier macht!!!
ecosse(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 23:22)
Hi! from Scotland. Just wanted to say "danke" (is that right?) for this page and for all your hard work linking the clips and translating. It's much appreciated. I hope that us international fans can
help boost the audience figures for HaH and hopefully get more HaH but especially Jenny and Emma screentime! Let us know if there's anything else we can do!
Thanks again!
P.S. Awesome Eurovision this year Germany, well done! ;)
Emilie(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 21:52)
wunderbare Idee :) ihr leistet großartige Arbeit!
falls jemand Interesse an französischen Übersetzungen hat, nur meldet :)
Ak(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 21:50)
This is beyond words, the effort you guys have put in to make this story accessible is commendable. Thank you and to the whole team of HaH for Jemma. :)
:)(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 20:35)
I really like your page :) I was surprised that so many people like "Hand aufs Herz" even in America!
Thanks for the great side.
Greetings from Berlin ;)
babsi(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 17:44)
hey I´m from austria
gratulation! this is an amazing homepage, many jemma fans were now very happy ^^
I cannot believe you guys are giving transcripts for the whole episodes! that is above and beyond. Words cannot express the astonishment I feel for what you are doing. You guys are the best. Thank
you for taking the time out of your busy lives to help those who don't know your language. It is greatly appreciated.
greetings from Turkey
Sonia(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 12:34)
Hello from Maui, Hawaii, USA!
Just wanted to say 'Thank You!' for all you are doing! The site is coming along great!
Thanks Again,
Lobeshymne(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 01:48)
wollte nur mal schnell nen Gruß dalassen und euch sagen, wie gut mir die Seite gefällt. Absolut genial! War bestimmt unheimlich viel Arbeit - also danke, danke, danke (und hoffentlich fleißig weiter
so lol); ich weiß es jedenfalls mehr als zu schätzen.
Besonders witzig finde ich auch die Jemma Starter Kits - die sind der Oberkracher; wäre schön wenn ihr Zeit und Muse für weitere Teile finden würdet.
Viele Grüße, ein glücklicher Fan :-D
P.S. I also want to say "hi" to all Jemma-fans all over the world ;-)
A grateful jemmafan(Dienstag, 24 Mai 2011 00:37)
Hi girls!
I just wanted to thank you for the incredible job you are doing for us, the international fans. We appreciate it so much and are forever grateful to you. This page is wonderful and I can't beleive
you even translated the entire episode for us. Wow! Me and my gf love you all! <3
Manu (Mittwoch, 22 Januar 2014 09:59)
Sagt mal, habt ihr noch Kontakt zu Kasia. Man hört nichts mehr. Macht sie Musik? Wollte sie ja immer.
Mokka238 (Sonntag, 15 Dezember 2013 22:33)
Hallo Jemma International es ist an der Zeit das ich Euch auch mal was ins Gästebuch schreibe. Ich kann es gar nicht in Worte fassen wie sehr ich Euch Danke. Ihr gebt Euch so viel Mühe! bereichert uns mit tollen Ideen von Jemma! und übersetzt auch noch alles. DANKE FÜR ALLES WAS IHR macht und den großen aufwand den Ihr betreibt um uns Jemma Fans happy zu machen. DANKE
Franzi (Sonntag, 21 April 2013 17:01)
Diese Seite ist echt der Wahnsinn!! Wir alle liiieben Jemma noch immer soo sehr, und bei allem, was ihr hier reinstellt, denke ich zurück an die schöne Zeit und kann mich manchmal vor Lachen nicht mehr halten :)Diese ganzen Insider sind einfach klasse und echt richtig witzig! Macht bitte bitte so weiter, ich könnte mich hier Stunden aufhalten... :)
JEMMA for ever <3
newboys2015 (Dienstag, 02 April 2013 12:50)
nice site you have.
Krümel (Sonntag, 03 März 2013 11:23)
Hab erst heute wieder ins Guestbook geschaut, sry das ihr euch extra die Mühe gemacht habt den Emmalicous Part I rauszusuchen aber ein ganz so großer Kasia-Fan bin ich nicht, meine handykarte ist schon mit Lucy zugedonnert da hab ich kaum Platz für Kasia ;) Sollte jetzt auf keinen Fall negativ klingen :p
Freu mich schon auf eure weiteren Überraschungen hier auf der Seite!
Ihr seid die tollsten! <3
Natze (Dienstag, 05 Februar 2013 17:31)
Hallo, ich finde eure Seite ech super. Bin echt sprachlos was ihr hier alles reingestellt habt, mit wie viel mühe das alles verbunden ist. Ihr seit der wahnsinn. Vielen Dank für die echt wunderschönen Valentines Karten. Jemma forever ;-)
Grüßle Natze
Anki (Freitag, 14 Dezember 2012 21:18)
ich würde mich gern bedanken bei denn Aadministratoren die seite ist wirklich klasse !:)
ich komme ihr sehr gern ihn und freue mich jedesmal über was neune tolle arbeit :)
die seite ist sehr empfehlenswert :)
lg Anki
jemmatranslations (Donnerstag, 13 Dezember 2012 17:43)
Danke, Sarah aka Krümel ;) aber wir sind ja etwas enttäuscht.....hatten doch extra schon in Erwartung einer Mail von Dir, den Emmalicous Part I vorbereitet....;)))
Krümel (Montag, 10 Dezember 2012 17:40)
Die geilste Seite überhaupt! Und so tolle Administratoren! ;) So verständnisvoll! ;D
Ich empfehle die Seite allen Leuten die ich kenne, die Jemma-Fans sind!
Liebe Grüße an alle Jamma-Fans!
jemmatranslations (Montag, 03 Dezember 2012 21:59)
Hallo Sarah. Der Part 1 war im Kalender des letzen Jahres. Aber hier extra nochmal für Dich ;) :
Sollte das nicht klappen, bitte kurze Mail übers Kontaktformular.
SarahKrümel (Montag, 03 Dezember 2012 14:11)
Ich finde diese Seite echt klasse! Alles was mein Herz begehrt!!!
Hab mal ne Frage ... kennt jemand den Link für "Jemmalicious Part 1"? Im Adventskalender ist ja heute der 2. Part drin ...
Denise R. (Freitag, 12 Oktober 2012 19:07)
Ich finde diese Seite echt Klasse gemacht :)
Es ist echt alles dabei, was über Jemma bzw Lucy Scherer und Kasia Borek hier zu finden ist. Also Lob an die Macher von dieser Seite. :)
Liebe Grüße :)
Sarah (Sonntag, 02 September 2012 22:53)
Jemma ist für den German Soap Award als schönstes Liebespaar nominiert!!!
Schnell voten
jemmatranslations (Mittwoch, 22 August 2012 18:46)
Hakuna Matata, diesen Spruch mag ich gern! ;D
Ersteinmal danke für die lieben Worte. Es freut uns natürlich immer von einzelnen zu hören, besonders auch wenn es sich um neuhinzugestoßene Jemmalinge handelt, die vielleicht nicht gleich auf der ersten Welle mitgeritten sind ;)
Schließlich war eins unserer Ziele, dies hier auch für die 'Nachwelt' festzuhalten und alles ein wenig zusammenzutragen und einfacher zu machen für all diejenigen auf Welle 2, 3 und folgende :)
Deshalb schonmal danke, dass du dich zu Wort gemeldet hast. Aber nun zu deinem Anliegen!
Wir haben das ganze mal unter die Lupe genommen und haben festgestellt, dass das '' gelöscht/deaktiviert wurde. Dieses Forum gehörte nicht zu unserer Seite, sondern war von anderen Fans erschaffen wurden in dem eben ein paar Threats enthalten waren mit FanArt, welche wir auf der FanArts-Seite mit deren erlaubnis verlinkt hatten. Da nun aber das Forum gelöscht ist, werden wir die Links dazu deaktivieren.
Tut uns leid, wenn du dir nun schon Hoffnung auf mehr gemacht hattest. Falls die Personen aber andere Orte und Seiten haben auf denen sie ihre Sachen veröffentlichen und wir Kenntnis davon bekommen, werden wir sie in Zukunft natürlich wieder neu verlinken.
Danke dir!
Stay Jemmy, Emma-addicted and Hakuna Matata,
denn dies sind alles gute Sachen die man bleiben sollte ;)
Hakuna Matata ;-) (Montag, 13 August 2012 19:05)
Heyho ihr Lieben! (:
Zuallererst ein riesengroßes, fettes, unterstrichenes und mödermäßiges Danke an euch, für die Mühe, die ihr euch macht, um der Welt ein so zauberhaftes Paar näher zu bringen! ♥
Bin erst kürzlich auf HaH gestoßen...durch Jemma und youtube natürlich ^^ Aber hab mir in jeder freien Minute die Jemma-Story angeschaut und bin dann dazu übergegangen, die Serie komplett zu schauen. Mittlerweile sind sogar erste DVD-Staffeln bestellt ^^
Es freut mich zu sehen, dass man nicht allein ist auf der Welt...ich mein, ich kann derzeit nicht einen Tag ohne Kasia/Emma/Jemma. Krasse schauspielerische/gesangliche Leistung.
Ihr habt einen neuen Fan und der hofft auf neue FanArts! ;D (Zugriff auf die bisherigen ist irgendwie nicht möglich..könntet ihr vielleicht mal nachschauen?..)
Greetz, Emma-addicted ♥
Julia (Donnerstag, 02 August 2012 07:06)
Hey jemmaInternational
Ich wollte mich ganz herzlich bei euch bedanken, dafür, dass ihr hier siese Seite erstellt habt, dafür, wie ihr euch bemüht uns immer auf dem neusten Stand zu halten und natürlich dafür, dass ihr Jemma nicht in Vergessenheit geraten lässt. (obwohl, kann das überhaupt mal passieren?)
Wie bei vielen anderen hat Jemma auch mein Leben verändert. (Die einzelheiten erspar ich euch, sonst wirds zu lang) ;)....
Ich kann mich nur wiederholen und DANKE sagen, für das was ihr macht :D
Liebe grüße
Bella (Dienstag, 10 Juli 2012 17:44)
Ich liebe Jemma(auch HaHe) über alles!
Diese Serie war/ist meine Lieblingsserie!
Sie wird immer in unserem Köpfen und hier weiterleben!
In Love,Bella
Salander (Freitag, 30 Dezember 2011 01:21)
Hello, hola, Γειά, Hallo,
Please help us keep our spanish lesbian couple of Tierra de Lobos together by signing this petition. Feel free to distribute the link to friends, family, other FB groups, and/or gay-friendly websites.
Thank you! Danke! Ευχαριστώ :)Gracias!
Debbi (Samstag, 24 Dezember 2011 10:20)
Hallo zusammen :)
Ich wollte mich bei euch für diesen wundervollen Adventskalender bedanken. Er hat mir jeden Tag ein Lächeln ins Gesicht gezaubert, auch wenn der Tag nicht ganz so bescheiden war. Der Kalender hat mir jedes Mal aufs neue den Tag gerettet.
Durch euch lebt HaH weiter in unseren Herzen und ihr haltet uns immer auf dem Laufenden.
SOoooo, genug geschwärmt. Wünsche euch ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest im Kreise eurer Lieben
Isy (Samstag, 10 Dezember 2011 22:21)
Hey, die Seite ist echt super !
ich finde es toll, dass die Folgen hier alle einzeln beschrieben sind und dass es so wenigstens eine Chance gibt, dass Jemma nicht ganz vergessen geht!
weiter so, ihr seid echt super.
Liebe Grüße,
KBee (Sonntag, 02 Oktober 2011 03:48)
Has anyone heard when Sat1 might release a second CD of the songs? I'm anxiously waiting for some great new tunes.
frananifan (Freitag, 16 September 2011 03:01)
Ep 4
[Flashback of Bea and Ben's night]
(I think I can draw that night from memory by now..and I can't even draw.)
Bwhaaahahahaha!! Thank you, needed that laugh.
hoppe (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 16:46)
I just started to read your funny comments about the show in the english translations a few days ago. well, that's what you're missing if you don't need to read translations because you are German ;)
again: great work, guys... if I wouldn't have been torn into two about my "old" group and you I might have joined ;) It's great you were and are there!
Marlene (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 07:10)
Wow, what a great show with a great cast and great writing. I laughed and cried. I'm going to miss rushing to my computer in the morning to see the latest upload. I'll have to find new ways to procrastinate! J.I. girls, your dedication to this project was much appreciated and inspiring. I hope you find another project soon!
Ana (Samstag, 03 September 2011 01:50)
Girls ... thanks for everything ...
We'd be lost without this hard work ... it allowed this global wave.
My admiration and respect ...
jemmatranslations (Donnerstag, 01 September 2011 09:39)
We will go on with this side and also with the translations for the DVD's. So it's not over and no time to say good-bye :-)
AmyLnnLee (Mittwoch, 31 August 2011 14:14)
Guys I just wanted to say thanks for all of your hard work on translations..You are really the best! ; ) I liked the funny notes in translations you always made me lough so hard! : ) Jemma spirit will live forever! <3 I will always remain their fan! Take care! Oh its just like saying goodbye with dear friend..I will miss you guys..this was one of the kind site..well,its not yet time to cry Im saving it all for Friday! Greetings from Croatia
hoppe (Mittwoch, 24 August 2011 18:56)
Man! I'm devastated! After only 4 days the great artistic fanvids of youtuber fireflyleelee are ALL blocked!!! Why they don't leave us at least the fanvids, now where the show is ending??? hope your vids will survive ;)
jemmatranslations (Dienstag, 23 August 2011 22:34)
Sixx TV shows the full episodes like SAT1 only for seven days online.
Cynthia (Dienstag, 23 August 2011 15:55)
Hullo, appreciate all the work that's gone into this site. But you already know that ;D
Is it known whether SIXX TV will be showing full episodes online?
jemmatranslations (Dienstag, 23 August 2011 07:25)
The last 2 episodes will be shown online in a double feature on the 02.09.2011.
jemmatranslations (Sonntag, 21 August 2011 08:40)
Hello KBee, the last episode will be shown in a double feature on 02.09.11 on SIXX TV. But the Show also airs on austrian television and there the last episode airs on 05.09.11.
We do not know yet, when the last episode will be shown online. The moment we now exactly we come back to you. Promised! :-)
KBee (Samstag, 20 August 2011 01:32)
Greetings. Does anyone know when the final episode will be? I watched the "I'm a Survivor" music video the other day and got choked up. I'm definately gonna miss this show. Any more news with season 2, or are they done, done? Thanks for all your kick-a** hard work with translations, humor and whatnot. Cheers.
redbloome (Samstag, 20 August 2011 00:57)
Ich würd auch gern wissen, welche Bettwäsche Jenny hat und vor allem wo man sie kaufen kann :) (die rote mit den bunten Blumen drauf) Folge 216.
I also want to know which bed linen Jenny has (episode 216) (red one with flowers) where can I buy it?
the vedettebuff (Freitag, 19 August 2011 19:08)
Thanks so much for your hard work,guys! Even though the show's coming to an end, I love how all the dedicated fans are petitioning,doing falshmobs and doing everything they can to ensure that the series won't stop...the spirit is strong.
Why did they decide to stop it anyway?
This was the best series ever.
Have to say a big congrats and thanks to the wonderful cast, producer, screen writer cos they've done a wonderful job, allowing this great experience
Does anyone know if you can buy the DVD in Australia??
Team Jemma forever!!
<3 a big fan from Sydney
Leeni (Samstag, 13 August 2011 18:07)
Weiß jemand, was für eine Bettwäsche Jenny gerade hat? (folge 210 und 10.08.)
Does anybody know how that bed linen is called and where I can find it?
Conchi (Freitag, 12 August 2011 17:46)
Thanks for your wonderful and hard work with Jemma story...I'm a Spanish woman watching a German tv show with English's funny! isn't it? ;-)
Melanie Polson (Montag, 01 August 2011 06:17)
I am from Monterey, Indiana(United States of America). I have just recently two weeks ago if that came across Jemma and i fell hard for these two and to find out it will be cancelled. I speak English and the translations are wonderful but before i found those they had me hooked from the beginning. Big fan! Love them♥
Julia (Montag, 01 August 2011 01:12)
Jemma is the greatest thing ever! Absolutly fantastic! Wonderful story and gorgeous actress! :-D Jemma foreva^
Clijsters3 (Dienstag, 26 Juli 2011 18:02)
Hi I want to make a couple of suggestions for the music section for songs to put on the Jemma compilation. First is a song called Down by the Water by The Drums which is more suitable for the first compilation but I think it's so perfect I wanted to let you know about it. Second is a song called Forever and Ever Amen also by The Drums and is much more upbeat and positive. I think the lyrics on both songs are perfect for Jemma. Please listen and see what you think. Stay Jemma!
jemmatranslations (Mittwoch, 13 Juli 2011 18:33)
Hopefully Friday night @bob :)
bob (Mittwoch, 13 Juli 2011 04:51)
when will you have episode 198?
Ana (Dienstag, 12 Juli 2011 01:27)
thank you.. from Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!
yvonne (Samstag, 09 Juli 2011 15:21)
i love jemma...
jemmatranslations (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 00:05)
Hi Luca, we are already collecting all ideas to post them here on the site.
So if you have more information give us a short mail with the contact formular!
Luca Grothaus (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 22:45)
Hey guys!
I'm from Germany and I'm as sad as you all are!
The Fans are full of ideas to support "Hand aufs Herz" so that it will go on.
One of those ideas is this:
We want to make a video, where everyone says "The heart has to continue beating" in his own language, so that Sat.1 sees, that there are not just national Fans.
Who wants to work with us together?
I will be happy about feedback.
xoxo, Luca
Babsi (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 23:27)
Maresska (Dienstag, 28 Juni 2011 12:02)
When will be the last episode?
Maresska (Montag, 27 Juni 2011 23:57)
Hi! Thx so much for the website.
Guys help me...I don't understand what happening now... No more Jemma?? What does it mean?No more Hand aufs herz??Why?
Depressed (Montag, 27 Juni 2011 12:08)
No more Jemma. :'(